Items tagged with 'State Police'
State Police identify man they'd like to question following trooper stabbing at Empire State Plaza
State Police have released a name and photos of a person they'd like to question following the stabbing of a state trooper Sunday afternoon at the Empire State Plaza. From the press release:
State Police and Albany Police officials are currently searching for Eric L. Green, 18, date of birth February 7, 1995, for questioning in conjunction with the assault and stabbing which occurred on March 3, 2013 on the concourse of the Empire State Plaza on Trooper Rodney L. Smith.
Green's current address is unknown but he does have ties to the Grand Street area in the City of Albany. Officials are asking anyone who might have seen him or know of his whereabouts to contact 518-474-5330 with any information.
Full press release post jump.
State Police say Smith was stabbed in the neck with steak knife around 3:15 pm. NYSP says the attacker had struck up a conversation with Smith, and while Smith was looking at the man's ID, the man stabbed him. Smith was taken to Albany Med and is expected to recover.
The incident prompted an intensive search in the area surrounding the ESP. And of this afternoon, NYSP say they haven't found the man. [TU]
photo via New York State Police
Sometimes you're better off just saying thank you
From the the local troop of the New York State Police today:
On Sunday December 2, Trooper Christopher Maniscalco was answering a complaint in the town of Guilderland.
While completing the call, Trooper Maniscalco was approached by a woman who asked if he was busy.
Trooper Maniscalco responded that he had a few moments and the woman proceeded to tell him, "Trooper I always see you around, doing a good job and wanted to say Merry Christmas and thank you."
The woman handed him a holiday card, Trooper Maniscalco thanked the woman and went back to his call.
After his shift, Trooper Maniscalco remembered the card and opened it.
Inside, was a quote and $1,000 cash.
As you're probably guessing right now, State Police aren't allowed to accept such a gift. (And of course, as everyone knows, 15% is the standard tip on a police call.) So they're trying to figure out who the woman was so the money can be directed as a donation to a charity.
Details post jump.
By the way: Here's the NYS law for state officials and public employees for outside compensation and accepting gifts. It's 18 pages long.
Arrests at Occupy Albany

One of the protesters being arrested.
State Police arrested approximately 25 Occupy Albany protesters in Lafayette Park shortly after 11 pm Saturday. The park is across the street from the Capitol and owned by the state -- the Cuomo administration instituted a curfew there in late October. This group of protesters had gathered in a deliberate attempt to see if there would be a response from the state. [TU]
As they were clearing the park, State Police said they would also arrest members of media in the park. Media members moved to the sidewalk, but then returned to the park and were not arrested.
Saturday afternoon, State Police had arrested an Occupy protester -- Bradley Russell -- in Lafayette Park for building an "illegal structure" there. Occupy Albany had sent out a press release Friday announcing that Russell intended to build the "freedom fort" as a protest against the state curfew. [TU] [OA press release, pasted after jump]
The Occupy Albany protest previously had been contained to the city-owned Academy Park, which is directly adjacent to Lafayette. Officials from the city of Albany and Albany County have said local police would not arrest or charge protesters staying in the city-owned side of the park.
Here's a tweet-by-tweet of how things went down Saturday night, with photos...
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?