Items tagged with 'snow'
Map: Blizzard snow totals
Yep, it snowed a lot Tuesday during the blizzard.
How much? Well, it varied a bit depending on location.
So we rolled together a clickable map of snow totals from around New York and much of the Northeast...
King of the Snow People
You might have noticed: There's a lot of snow outside.
Most of us shovel the walks and do our darnedest to ignore the rest of it. But did you ever wonder: "Hmm, what could I be doing with all this snow?
Here's your answer.
Spotted on Brookline Ave. in Albany. Well, maybe "spotted" isn't the right word -- more like "gaped at" or "cowered under."
The creator of this colossus is local artist Jason Schultz. Jason works in a variety of media -- metalwork, painting, carving. And snow. He builds a mega-sized snowman every year.
Just think: Your yard, too, is an unassembled snowman. Get to it.
The scoop on snow emergencies
Well, Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his hole Saturday, and the little rodent says we're looking at six more weeks of winter. That means there could be a few more snow emergencies in our future (Mr. Snow Miser... are you listening?). A-Town has only seen two snow emergences this season. The first kind of took us by surprise, and the second hardly seemed like enough snow to constitute a concern, much less an emergency. But then, it's not our job to declare snow emergencies. Who's job is it? AOA got the scoop (or shovel if you will) on Albany snow emergencies from Albany Police Spokesman Jim Miller.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?