Gentle Persuasions

Project: Gentle Persuasions, a producer of games, stickers, calendars, and kits about life, inspiration, recovery, and relationships.
Who: Deborah Reyome
Short bio
The idea for the business, and board game, began in the mid-1990s when I created a tongue-in-cheek, "Workaholics Relationship Preservation Kit" for a former social work supervisor who was, and continues to be, a wonderful mentor. When I gave it to her, she went through each component laughing wholeheartedly and at the very end, tapped the top of the 3 x 5 black card file box and said rather surely, "You should market this."
Shortly after this time, my overall health began to fail rapidly with a progressive spinal disorder that had first began as a severe back injury a few years prior. I had been commuting to graduate school, but the three-hour trip was exacerbating pain levels. I was also, simultaneously, growing disillusioned with the program, so I took a leave of absence. Instead, I opted to complete a local intensive microbusiness development program.
When I did the research to locate the parts and total costs of assembling the kit, I discovered that most had been made in China. I really wanted USA made materials and equally disliked the idea of financially supporting toxic work environments so I created, "Let Freedom Ring," thinking that the materials and pieces for the board game would be easier to create or supply locally, and once successful, I could use the funds from it to create the kits.
One of the ways I deal with over-the-top stress is to dream and, subsequently, create things that help me to deal, in constructive ways, with the stress. I also look for sources of inspiration. While I still tried to work during this time interviewing owners of new start-ups and then writing about them for a business journal (propped up on my stomach with a lap top), the reality of it was that I was flat broke, marginally homeless, in severe pain and my future seemed utterly hopeless. I had been told that I was going to lose my mobility altogether by the time I turned 40. So, I house-sat in exchange for rent, studied the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s and MLK's writings with a diligency that bordered on obsession for inspiration, and returned to graduate school to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly. Grateful that I was driven back, I completed first the Master's Degree in Social Work, and then years later, the PhD. In between, I underwent successful reconstructive back surgery and after an extensive recovery period, regained my "oomph" for life, and worked in medical and school social work.
I learned a great deal about United States history and the impact of laws and public policy on our society's various subpopulation groups while prepping for classes that I taught as an adjunct. After completing the doctorate, I became a fellow at the Center for Women in Government and Public Policy, and thereby gained a much greater understanding of NYS government and politics, and the daily challenges unemployed workers faced as I conducted focus groups in three different regions. Now, as an Assistant Professor of Social Work at the College of St. Rose, I teach a full range of courses concerning human development, the human condition, diversity, social problems, social policy, and research. Essentially, my personal trials and tribulations as well as decades of working in the trenches in human services and professional social work over the years, have provided me with relevant material to include in the board game and other products that I want to create and sell; products that are intended to make a meaningful difference for others; socially and possibly economically on different levels.
A description of the proposed project
To establish "Gentle Persuasions" as a business and take the initial steps to produce four products:
1) "Let Freedom Ring" - an interactive board game that highlights the real and potential trials, tribulations, and triumphs of living in the United States. While its primary purpose is to engage and educate players about how social policy influences human development, the human condition, and the lived experiences of subpopulation groups across historical time periods, it is riddled with predicaments, double-bind scenarios and idioms to make the journey of one's own life (playing the game) both challenging and fun. The overall objective of the game is to create a more civilized society on the macro level, but also to re-build a sense of community at the local level in real time through in-person, face-to-face play.
2) "Auntie Deb's Bumper Stickers" - inspirational and recovery oriented bumper stickers.
3) "On a Shoe String Calendars" - inspirational and recovery oriented calendars.
4) "Kool Kits" - self-preservation and relationship survival kits.
How would the grant money help?
I would use the funds primarily to jump start my business, "Gentle Persuasions," and create a
prototype for the board game, "Let Freedom Ring." Specifically, unless otherwise advised, I would spend it on the following: a) federal business name research & registration; b) trademark - copyright fees; c) establish and maintain website; d) upgrade Internet service; e) hold in-person regional focus groups: travel, refreshments, small donation for space; f) purchase materials needed to assemble & produce the prototype; g) printing and mailing costs; and h) office supplies.
The templates for the bumper stickers and calendars are already created. I produced a small number of these last year for a mini-trial run. I received very positive feedback from people, and learned a great deal about timing and presenting to potential distributors. But it was also apparent that without a store front, a website is likely necessary to make money at it A basic outline of the board game's prototype is completed, but it needs further development and input from the general public (hence the need for the website, to upgrade Internet service and conduct focus groups).
I hold three degrees in the field of social work; a Bachelor's Degree in Child/Family Services, and as previously stated a Master's Degree in Social Work and a PhD in Social Welfare; and I have completed a fellowship in public policy and a micro-business development program. I have taught course work in social policy, social problems and history for 16 years and additional relevant course work (i.e. child/human development across the life span) for 5 years. I also have 10 years of working in and integrating social work research (i.e. I know a fair amount of what works and what doesn't when it comes to social problems); and over 30 years of working in the trenches of human services and later professional social work practice. I have also contended with a lifetime of my own trials and tribulations and, therefore, can say with a sense of humility, that I possess a solid foundation of knowledge and skill sets to launch this effort. I sincerely believe that small business development can play an important role in addressing many social problems, both directly and indirectly, through one, the creation of jobs (and subsequently income), and two, in the case of "Gentle Persuasions" providing viable mechanisms or tools to engage and educate the general public about the human condition and possible solutions to problems. Finally, I want to implement and illustrate a successful business model that actively contributes to the well-being of individuals, families, groups, communities and society as a whole. I would like to demonstrate that it is possible to both make money and make a difference!
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