The Machine Creative Co-op

Project: The Machine, a creative co-op for artists on Lark Street.
Who: Dana Owens
Short bio
My name is Dana S. Owens and I graduated SUNY Albany in the Spring of '13. I have always been a creative person. By showing an extreme interest in the arts at an early age I was subconsciously developing the path I was going to take in life. In Highschool I illustrated a children's book for Crystal Spring Publishing, a derivative of Highlights Magazine.
After High School I attended the Sage College of Albany for Illustration and continued to freelance as an amateur illustrator/cartoonist. In 2006 i dropped out of college to work full time for a Home Depot subÂcontractor yet still continued to Freelance sporadically. I also continued to produce artwork and began showing work at local cafes and galleries. By doing this I slowly began to develop a fan base.
In 2009 I made an attempt to become a nationally syndicated cartoonist by sending press kits of my cartoons to National Syndicates like the Washington Post and King Features. To which I received no replies. Because of this frustration I decided to create a local Facebook webÂcomic based on the city of Albany entitled "Smallbany". The concept became rapidly popular because it was a user submission based webÂcomic. Basically the fans submitted ideas and I would put my comedic twist and illustrate them. The page has now reached 3,000 fans and due to its popularity I've been interviewed several times in both the local Newspapers and Television Channels.
In 2011 I decided to return to college and attended SUNY Albany as a Fine Arts Student. Due to the fact that I was a returning student, and a little bit older and experienced, I found myself assisting some of my younger classmates and sharing with them techniques and ideas I had picked up over the years. This also allowed me to prove to my professors my extreme interest in the Arts.
After graduation in 2013, with a small inheritance from my late grandmother, I opened the Machine a Creative Coop. Because of the intensity of running a small gallery/business on Lark St. I knew I couldn't do it alone and so I recruited 2 fellow, also talented, graduates to assist me in my venture. The concept was that we all wanted to pursue careers in our respected arts and if we had a space in a high footÂtraffic area, we'd develop a clientele.
After several "developing" months we began to realize that what we had created was more than just a screen print/gallery shop. Because of our SUNY Albany background we realized that we could help current Art students learn more about the business end of Art thru internships and experience. We have also expanded membership and now have a total of 5 official, very diverse young artists.
Considering the Machine is still new and developing there are still many leaps and bounds in our future. At this point we have really began to make an impression on Lark St and hope to grow exponentially in upcoming months. Our goal is to really reach out to the City of Albany, especially members in the SUNY community both by showing and promoting up and coming talent, and also by developing professional relationships with our community.
A description of the proposed project
Art Galleries show the end result of the creative journey. A journey that starts with a concept and takes many different twists and turns along the way. However, the journey can be just as exciting and can often provide more insight on the creation and the creator. Here at the Machine, we want to provide a platform in which the public can focus in on only a handful of artists working in various mediums. We want to invite in the general public into our studios to share those journeys with us. By developing a strong relationship with our fans and communities we can continue to grow as artists ourselves and provide the area with work that we produce, thus keeping the world of art alive.
Who we are: We are a small group of up and coming artists ready to create for you. Recently graduated from the arts program at SUNY Albany we wanted to battle the odds, and pursue careers in the arts. Once we determined that we were meant to create, we just needed the space to do it. Because of the liveliness of Lark St. and the surrounding areas, we felt like it would make for the perfect location for what we were looking to do, and so we present.... The Machine! Once the buzz spread about the Machine, everyone fell in love with the idea. The amount of support we've received is amazing and the best part is that it is just the beginning for us.
Located at: 255 C Lark St. Albany, NY 12210, across from Bombers!
How would the grant money help?
We at The Machine a Creative CoOp are applying for this grant in hopes to enhance the interior of our workspace. Much like the frame is important to a work of art, the interior of our workspace is crucial to our creative operation. Although we work here regularly, we also use this space to host several events such as First Friday's, Film Screenings, and Live Paint/Music events. We have had tremendous turnouts for each event we have hosted and nothing but amazing feedback from the community. However, an updated interior would be greatly beneficial to the integrity of our space and reputation. It would also improve our overall professional image.
With this grant, some of our goals are to enhance the lighting and flooring in the space. With optimal lighting, the Machine will benefit greatly during studio hours when we are either working on projects, or meeting with clients as well as during show events to properly illuminate the artwork on display. We also plan to update the floors and walls.This is important because it will increase the overall appearance of the space. We are currently working on cement slab floors but by refinishing them, we would be able to provide a more complete and professional environment. Also one of our members teaches yoga and would require the best quality flooring for her students. With the nice weather approaching we are also looking to "Green" up our exterior appearance thus providing the curb appeal we need to attract customers. To do this we plan to plant a Machine garden and also build a sign to make us more noticeable from Lark St. With this grant we could accomplish these, and other goals we have set for the improvement of our space.
With each event the Machine has hosted, we have yielded more and more new fans and clientele. Our popularity is growing rapidly and we need to improve our image immediately, in order to keep on top. As summer approaches, we need to look and operate professionally to capitalize on the walking traffic that is abundant on Lark St. and also to uphold our main goal which is to provide art and culture to the area in a professional manner.
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