The super secret parking garage in Saratoga

So you want to hit Winterfest in Saratoga this weekend; go shopping, try some chowder. But parking in the Spa City can be a real pain. We make no promises on a big festival weekend, but we'd try the super secret parking garage.
OK... maybe it's not so super secret, but you couldn't tell by parking there. The parking garage on Woodlawn Avenue was built a couple of years ago, and it's right there in plain site, but for some reason that we can't figure out, people don't park there so much. It's clean, it's safe, it's an easy block or two to all the stores and restaurants. In a city where finding a parking space can take as much luck as picking the early double, this garage is as close as it gets to a sure thing. For Winterfest, the daily double may be a better bet, but hey, it's worth a try. You know what they say, "You can't win if you don't play." It's at Woodlawn and Church Street, only a block west of Broadway, near the north end of town.
Find It
Woodlawn Avenue Parking Garage
Church and Woodlawn Ave.
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?