Keep washing those hands!

That is a lot of red.
Last week we posted about reports indicating that the flu was living it up in this area. Well, things haven't gotten better in the interim. In fact, they've gotten a little worse. Those maps above are from the New York State Department of Health. The counties marked in red reported confirmed cases of influenza in the last week. As you can see, every county in New York is now seeing cases of the flu. In fact, it looks like people all over the country are feeling fluish.
What's up? Well, the severity of flu seasons naturally varies from year to year (scientists aren't totally sure why and how). And it didn't help that this year's flu shot wasn't designed to provide protection against two of the three most common strains circulating this year.
So, do everyone -- yourself included -- a favor and go wash your hands.
maps: New York State Department of Health
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?