Rachael Ray at SXSW
When we first heard the rumors, we thought it was a joke. But, no, it really is true: Rachael Ray is hosting a showcase at South By Southwest. Here's the official blurb from the SXSW party listing:
Feedback With Rachael Ray
12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Beauty Bar (617 E. 7th St.)
Listen Records, Watch Entertainment and Everyday With Rachael Ray come together to bring you Feedback...a feast of hot bands and tasty foods, hosted by America's favorite cook and indie music lover, Rachael Ray. Join us at this merging of great food and even better music with performances by Autovaughn, The Ravonettes, The Cringe, Scissors For Lefty, The Stills, and Holy *&%$. DJ Efren "Pedro" Ramirez from Napoleon Dynamite will be DJ-ing inside. Drinks on us and lots of Rachael's Tasty Recipies. Open to all SXSW badgeholders or RSVP to feedbackrsvp@kingworld.com.
Yes, you really did read that the guy who played Pedro in Napolean Dynamite will be spinning at this soire. And those are some name-brand indie bands. And The Cringe, well, it's pretty well established that Rachael is sleeping with the singer. (Or, at least, we hope so -- they're married.)
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?