Speed reading the coverage of Eliot Spitzer spitzering himself

Wrecked steamroller.
Updated Tuesday at 4:04 PM
We've read through the piles of coverage so you don't have to... many bite-sized facts and details after the jump.
+ It wasn't the prostitution operation that led federal investigators to Spitzer, it was Spitzer who led the feds to the prostitution ring. IRS investigators first noticed last year that Spitzer was moving money around in ways that might suggest something illegal -- but the thought was that he might be covering up bribes. [NYT]
+ In the federal affidavit describing the involvement of Spitzer, tagged "Client 9," the day-to-day manager of the operation describes the governor as a sometimes difficult client who asked for things "that might not be considered safe." [The Smoking Gun]
+ The prostitution operation, known as "The Emperor's Club," used women who were "fashion models, pageant winners and exquisite students" and were ranked according to beauty and intelligence. The more "diamonds," the higher the price. [NY Post]
+ Spitzer apparently paid more than $3000 cash for his encounter with "Kristen" on February 13 at the Mayflower Hotel in DC, plus additional cash for future encounters.
+ Pictures of the now infamouse Mayflower Room 871. [Washington Examiner]
+ Spitzer registered the room using the name George Fox, who has been a contributor and supporter of the governor. Fox says the first he heard of that was from the Times. [NYT]
+ Despite the alias, the prostitutes eventually figured out the governor's identity. [NYDN]
+ The governor hasn't been charged with a crime -- yet. But his alleged actions could bring him federal charges for both money laundering and prostitution. [NYT]
+ Schadenfreude was the hot stock on Wall Street yesterday afternoon. On the news of the allegations against Spitzer, one expert remarked that people on Wall Street would be singing "Ding, dong, the witch is dead." [WSJ]
+ Spitzer reportedly was going to resign Monday night at 7pm, but his legal team persuaded him not to. There's some thinking that his resignation could be part of deal with prosecutors. [ABC News]
+ It seems that the Spitzer's wife has been one of the people urging him to not quickly resign. [NYT]
+ Jim Tedisco -- the Republican minority leader in the assembly -- says if Spitzer doesn't resign soon, the assembly will begin the impeachment process. [BBC]
+ As of Tuesday afternoon, lieutenant governor David Paterson said and said plans for a transition were not underway. [NYT]
+ If Spitzer does resign, Paterson would become governor -- and Joe Bruno would assume the duties of lieutenant governor.
+ Were Spitzer's actions the result of compulsion or hubris? Psychologists say it was probably both. [AP]
+ When word got around on Monday that the NYT was reporting Spitzer's involvement in the prostitution operation, the paper's web site almost couldn't handle the traffic. [AP]
photo: ny.gov
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Eliot, do the 70 percent of us who voted for you a great favor.
On your way out, remember that your foolishness has:
Given the state Senate back to the GOP;
Made Joe Bruno the lieutenant governor; and,
Put New York in play for the Conservatives in the 2008 race for the White House.
Quite a series of accomplishments in less than 15 months.
... said Mark on Mar 11, 2008 at 1:30 PM | link
Well said, Mark. Couldn't agree w/you more!
... said Kim on Mar 11, 2008 at 2:50 PM | link
So, all I can say is this guy is a real chump.... Governor of one of the biggest states in the county, rich beyond all belief, and he can not pick up chicks? He has to pay for it? Ykes... The Kennedy's, now that was a class act....
... said HRGREEN on Mar 11, 2008 at 9:46 PM | link