A little more about Northway Church
Intrigued by the direct-mail flyers and today's Daily Gazette story, we decided to poke around a little bit and see what we could find out about Northway Church. Here's a little bit from a recent blog post from the church's pastor, Buddy Cremeans:
Wherever I turn these days, God won't allow me to drift and float away from this truth. The enemy's number one strategy is to attack God's children by attacking their worth. Think about it ...it worked with our first parents in the Garden of Eden. Why? The enemy attacks our worth because it works!
Jesus Christ's number one strategy, on the other hand, is to RAISE OUR worth.
How can you tell how much something is worth? By how much someone is willing to pay for it. God gave His Son for you and me on the cross. In other words, anchor yourself in this truth...YOU are priceless. Your worth is immeasurable. God loves you more than you can imagine. This is the message of why we exist as the church...to raise people's value.
And here's a commercial for the church. What are services like? Well, they're probably a little louder than the ones at your church. There's an embedded video of its Christmas Eve service after the jump.
screengrab: NorthwayChurch.tv
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Well, isn't that special!
... said Laurie on Mar 27, 2008 at 9:26 PM | link