Trying the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que from the supermarket

And we didn't even have to go to Syracuse to get it.
The first time we thought that it might have been a mirage. Then we saw it again, but no... it couldn't be. By the third trip, we believed it: you can buy Dinosaur Bar-B-Que pulled pork at Price Chopper.
Having stuffed ourselves many a time at the famed Syracuse barbecue joint, we had to give it a try.
The pound of pulled pork comes packaged in the same kind of plastic-film-topped container that a lot of other cold or frozen entrées use these days. (We found it in the meat section near the bacon at the Slingerlands Chopper.) Prep is simple. Peel a corner of the film back, pop in the microwave for a minute. Stir around. Zap it for another minute or two. Eat.
On the plate, it looks like Dinosaur pulled pork. It smells like Dinosaur pulled pork. But does it taste like Dinosaur? Well, sort of. It's not bad by any means, but it's not great either. The meat seems a touch too firm and, despite being slathered in sauce, a little dry. It just seems to be missing something. Maybe it's all the bikers, blues and crowds of Orange fans.
The Bottom Line
The Dinosaur-from-the-grocery is just OK. If you have a craving for pulled pork, you're probably better spending your $8 on a pork plate at Capital Q.
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