Where's our FiOS?

Actually, the future seems to be somewhere over there.
We've been waiting for Verizon's fiber-to-the-house internet service for, like, seemingly forever. "You can't believe how fast it is," people who have it tell us, "It's like the internet itself isn't fast enough to keep up!"
Great, so where's ours? We asked a Verizon rep at the FiOS booth at the home show earlier this year when our neighborhood would be getting it. The guy got this pained look on his face that said "I have no idea and I wish people would quit asking me." He politely responded that they're working on it. Fine, work on it. Faster.
Now we hear that in areas where it actually is rolled out (Latham, Delmar), Verizon is sending reps door-to-door pitching the service. Aaah! Not only can these people actually get FiOS, but you're sending people out to ask them in person!
Verizon, why must you taunt us so?
screengrab: verizon.com
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I have it, and its awesome. But I went through the very same thing. I called Verizon almost every day.
I'm sorry, If you're offering 100 Mbps for 100 bucks, expect to get some people asking until they turn blue.
... said Mark Anderson on Apr 2, 2008 at 6:58 PM | link
FYI, here's a great site that lets people report when/where they've received Fios, as well as for people to report if they've heard when it's supposed to be coming to their area.
This makes it so that people like us, who DON'T have it yet, can search by Zipcode and find out info about Fios in our area.
I've been checking this site for 12065 for over almost 2 years now... no changes yet.
... said curtis klope on Apr 3, 2008 at 2:02 PM | link
Fios is awesome compared to what, Verizon DSL? I looked at the speed offerings and prices on the Verizon site, and except for a couple of stratospherically expensive tiers with speeds that no one needs they don't seem much different than cable, which nearly anyone can get regardless of the average income or credit score of the neighborhood. Beyond the hype, what's the big deal?
... said Tim on Apr 3, 2008 at 5:50 PM | link
We don't have Fios in Malta yet, but, my mom has it and she lives near the Saratoga Winner's area on Route 9. It seems just as fast as our Road Runner when I have used it at her house, though I haven't bothered to download any monster files at her place on it yet.
... said The Tuesday Night Tech Show on Apr 10, 2008 at 1:57 PM | link
speed is faster then roadrunner including super boost.
Roadrunner is limited dependent on what you pay at the pump.
... said mark on Sep 30, 2011 at 12:04 PM | link
I just wish they would get Albany wired for FiOS already, I live near Stuyvesant plaza in a seemingly middle class neighborhood and they just won't get it together. I'm sick of giving Time Warner my money every month for the quality of service I receive. Cable is an outdated archaic technology. I'm looking for houses again and I'm strongly considering FiOS availability as one of my pre-req's. I have had issue after issue with TW Cable and I'm quite sick of dealing with them. I can't wait for Verizon to finally blow the lid off this conglomerate.
... said Mike on Nov 8, 2011 at 1:27 PM | link
Not to quibble, but Verizon is no less a conglomerate than TWC.
... said Alex on Nov 8, 2011 at 3:45 PM | link
Finally got it. As the installer said, compared to FiOS, Time-Warner is ghetto TV!
... said lagnaf on Nov 23, 2011 at 9:47 AM | link
Not sure why a 3 year old thread has resurfaced but I'll bite. Especially since I recently became a FiOS customer.
I think the City of Albany could be also partially blamed for the delay. Because the service is still fairly new it also requires some new lines and materials to be installed. Since Albany is so strict on their "historic preservation" policy it makes it difficult for companies to negotiate services that damages the historic "value" of the property/area even though it may bring efficient and intuitive benefits.
Shame really, because I could also consider that a contributing reason to why the city hasn't progressed as well as it should. I lived in Center Square for ten years and what came around? A handful more bars and restaurants, a rebranding of a hotel, and the demolition of buildings on State St with only the faces left standing (makes them look even worse if you ask me). But barely any new companies with hardly any progression. All because a city doesn't want to damage its aesthetic value and reputation. Well I hate to tell you Albany but that's also what's hindering you. Albany used to be a testing zone like Syracuse and Rochester for companies looking to expand their markets. Not anymore. Some neighborhoods can only be called 'up and coming' for so long.
And to answer Tim's question above, the big deal is that it's fiber. You're not sharing a network with other people around you so you don't experience as much as (if any) congestion; you've got your own pipe. It's unfortunate for the people who can only get TW because they're getting charged a stupid amount for throttled bandwidth. But for us lucky ones who do get FiOS, that stupid price feels that much more justifiable.
... said Pike on Nov 23, 2011 at 12:09 PM | link
The big deal is, it's an alternative to Time Warner.
... said Eric Scheirer Stott on Dec 14, 2013 at 11:02 PM | link
I live in the Upper Washington Avenue neighborhood and was told by Verizon that FiOS isn’t available in my area yet. I assumed the phone rep was very mistaken. No FiOS in Albany? It’s not like I’m living out on the prairies. This isn’t Sleepy Eye, Minnesota; we’re a capital city! Hearing there was no FiOS in Albany, even parts of it, sounded as ridiculous to me as hearing there was no cellular service in Providence, no cable television in Sacramento. But I guess, in some parts of Albany, it’s true. I’m very surprised.
... said MarkD on Jun 16, 2014 at 2:17 PM | link
Oh MarkD... I feel for you. I really do, because I too want the FUTURE... not TWC. But, I wouldn't hold my breath...
... said Andy on Jun 16, 2014 at 3:02 PM | link
I have been waiting for FIOS to come to Clifton Park for years. WHAT IS THE HOLDUP? We are so close to Saratoga - where the money is - and Verizon is dragging their feet? Do they seriously want TWC to make all the money in this area? I'm hating TWC more every day! I'm sick of their overpriced service, but I refuse to downgrade to a slow DSL connection.
C'mon Verizon! What are you waiting for?! It's time to give TWC the boot!
... said Douglas Higgins on Jan 20, 2015 at 2:32 PM | link
Clifton Park is already fiber ready. The town has yet approve it. Supposedly, there is a twc big wig stopping the move. So it seems it is politics as usual.
... said gaskan on Feb 18, 2015 at 8:31 PM | link