Pierogi at Muza Diner

Just like our Polish grandmother would have made -- if we had one.
There are some foods that are, by their nature, kind of low-key. No matter what you do, they're probably never going to wow you. And that's OK, because there are times when a plate of something that's just kind of nice is exactly what you want.
So we mean it as a compliment when we say that the pierogi at Muza Diner in Troy are very nice.
Pierogi* are great comfort food -- all warm and smooth, a little squishy and creamy. They can also be a bit bland. But Muza's pierogies keep things just interesting enough with a slightly firm envelope that's been pan fried for a little extra texture. Smooth potato and cheese keeps the inside hot. A little sour cream on the side provides just enough tang. (And a little salt at the table is a good move, too.)
Are the pierogi a flavor explosion? No. But on rainy day they feel happy, sustaining and... well, nice. Just like good comfort food should.
*We didn't know it until looking it up, but pierogi is the plural. Apparently saying "pierogies" is like saying dumplingses.
The Bottom Line
The pierogi at Muza Diner are great comfort food.
Find It
Muza Diner
1300 15th St
Troy, NY 12180
Muza is located pretty much at the corner of 15th and Congress.
(518) 271-6892
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that place is great, but i always feel the need for a long nap after eating there. the food is almost too comforting.
they will let you bring in a bottle of wine and even provide some glasses. (that probably contributes to the nap need)
i love seeing the troy representation up in here. go aoa!
... said renee on Apr 8, 2008 at 12:06 PM | link
You know, a post-pierogi nap would have been great! Maybe that's a comfort food corollary: comfort food = warm sleepy feeling.
... said Greg on Apr 8, 2008 at 1:59 PM | link
Pfft, yeah. That foreign plural thing will get you. I was stuck in the same "ingses" rut with biscotti which, when you want "that one yummy looking biscotti" becomes "that one yummy looking biscotto."
... said heathah on Apr 8, 2008 at 4:56 PM | link
I have a polish grandma. Food is definitely love. And pierogi are some of my favorite kinds of love.
... said Bridget on Apr 22, 2008 at 9:20 PM | link