Craig and his wonderful list
The good thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. The bad thing about Craigslist: it's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. Good or bad, we'll let you decide...
Could red hair and blue eyes have led to an actual missed connections connection in E. Greenbush?
It wouldn't be at all surprising to find out that UPS hiring hot delivery guys was all a plot by Amazon.
If this person ever scores some goose eggs, he/she should have no trouble finding a way to store them.
A cure for that tooth ache could be just one llama fence away. (Thanks, Abby!)
Recently served up at the Daily Grind: a random act of kindness. It turns out there really are nice people out there.
If you've seen anything, um, notable on Craigslist... send it along: editors |at| alloveralbany |dot| com.
photo: Flickr user chrismurf, used under a CC license
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?