The duck confit panino at Swoon

We don't think we ever would have put together the words "duck" and "panino." But we're sure glad that someone did.
The confit duck panino on the lunch menu at Swoon Kitchenbar in Hudson is like a case study in how much creamy unctuousness can be contained by two pieces of bread. First, there's duck prepared with the confit method, so you know that's gonna be fatty and delicious. Then a slice of swiss -- hard to go wrong there. Then carmelized onions, rich and a littly squishy. Then some frisee lettuce to class things up just a bit. And then a slathering of mayonnaise (of course).
Thankfully, the bread on this sandwich is up to the task. It's a little crusty on the outside and a little soft in the middle, providing just enough structure to keep the whole thing together.
With this much fattiness in play, you may decide to pace yourself. But forget it and surrender now. You will gobble. And it will be good.
The Bottom Line
The day you eat the confit duck panino at Swoon is the day you should not worry about your fat intake. It's worth eating oat bran the rest of the week.
Find It
Swoon Kitchenbar
340 Warren St
Hudson, NY 12534
(518) 822-8938
Closed Wednesdays
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