Speed reading the coverage of Joe Bruno

joe_bruno.jpgupdated 3:21 pm

We've read the Joe Bruno coverage, so you don't you have to. Many bite-sized facts, bits of analysis, and quotes after the jump.

Why now? From Bruno's released statement on Monday: "I have decided that it is time to move on with my life." [Daily Politics]

He repeated that reason today at a news conference. "It's time for me to step back, in my personal life, and take time to enjoy my granddaughter, my great-grandaughter," Bruno said, holding back tears. [NY1]

Bruno was joking about his exit today. Again, from that appearance this morning: "Does he have a mental problem? That's something yet to be determined. Number two, is he terminally ill? Well, I've got news for you, everybody here is terminally ill." [Capitol Confidential]

People "close to" Bruno say he had been thinking about this for a while. [Newsday]

There's been speculation the feds were closing in on him as part of an investigation into his work with a Connecticut investment firm. Bruno's people strongly deny that. [NYDN] [NYP]

Hugh Farely, who describes Bruno as his best friend in the Senate, says Bruno had been hit hard by the death of his wife earlier this year. He says Bruno tears up at mention of his wife. [Daily Politics]

David Paterson on Bruno yesterday: "I've always found him to be forthright, direct, very engaging, an appealing personality and I think that it is in some ways it is a sad day in Albany and for me..." [CapNews9]

Sheldon Silver on Bruno, in a statement: "I know that I speak for all of the members of the Assembly when I say that Senator Bruno's no-nonsense manner and spontaneous wit will certainly be missed in the Capitol." [Daily Gazette]

At 79, Bruno is/was the oldest serving state legislature leader in the country. [AP]

The big picture for the Capital Region: Bruno's exit will likely mean an end to the caravan of pork he sent in this direction. [TU]

The big picture for the state: Democrats are acting like they now have an even better chance to take the state Senate. Presuming they hold onto the Assembly (there's not much reason to think they won't), NY government will be under one-party rule. [NYT]

Long Island's Dean Skelos appears to be the heavy favorite to replace Bruno as Senate majority leader. [every media outlet]

Dean Skelos is described as "a youthful-looking" 60-year-old and "a survivor." He also has a reputation as a "guarded politician" with "quiet ambition." [Newsday] [NY Sun]

It looks like Wilton Assemblyman Roy McDonald is the Republican to most likely to run for Bruno's seat. Back in the day when Gerald Solomon was retiring from Congress, McDonald appeared to be the favorite then, too -- but he was pushed aside for John Sweeney. [Daily Politics]

McDonald says he's "very interested" in running. [Daily Gazette]

Other candidates whose names have been floating around: Kathleen Jimino, the current Rennselaer County executive, and Bruno's son Kenneth, a former Rennselaer County DA. Jimino's not saying if she's interested. [TU] [Politics on the Hudson] [Daily Gazette]

There's already one Democrat in the race: Brian Premo, who recently told AOA that Joe Bruno was like the guy who captained the Titantic. [AOA]

Apparently "six or eight" Democrats are now scrambling to possibly line themselves up to run for Bruno's seat, including former Saratoga mayor Valerie Keehn. [Post-Star]

Political insider gossip: word is that Joseph Mondello, the state Republican Party chairman who basically has his job because of Bruno, wasn't in the loop on all this. That's prompted speculation he could be on the way out. One potential candidate for the job: Jimmy Tedisco. [Capitol Confidential] [Daily Politics]

photo: NYS Senate / senatorbruno.com

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