Borders on Wolf Road closing

It's a prime location, you gotta figure someone's going to snap up this spot.
The Capital Region's oldest Borders will close September 6, according to a company spokeswoman. She says the bookstore chain will try to find the Wolf Road staff jobs at the other area locations.
It's a shame to see this location closing. We've always liked the store, especially the central stairway with skylight. But the Borders spokeswoman tells AOA that the Wolf Road location has been "under performing expectations." Given the new store at Crossgates -- and the new Barnes & Noble next door at Colonie Center -- maybe that's not a surprise.
(Thanks for the tip, C!)
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Man! That stinks! I resent having to go to the mall to get a book. Guess I will go to the least-mall-like version of a mall, the Book House in Stuyvesant Plaza. Sigh.
... said Mel on Jul 15, 2008 at 4:36 PM | link
I've been going to Market Block Books in Troy since they opened a few years ago and I don't miss the big box stores one bit.
... said Mary on Jul 16, 2008 at 12:39 PM | link
Ah, man! That stinks! Well atleast I can still go there for the breaking dawn release party...
... said Artemis on Jul 24, 2008 at 2:38 PM | link