Breakfast with a history

Breakfast at the track.
When you order your eggs and bacon for breakfast at the Saratoga Racecourse, you're following a tradition that dates from the late 19th century.
Only backwards.
Apparently the post-Civil War crowd knew how to party. Who knew?
It wasn't uncommon for them to begin their days in the mid-afternoon by betting on the ponies, then make their way to the casinos at twilight for a night of drinking, betting and carousing. For some, those nights went right on until dawn. They ended their "day" with breakfast at the Saratoga Racecourse where they'd recount the night's wins and losses.
In the 21st century, most breakfast-goers arrive at the track after a good night's sleep. Breakfast is served from 7:00 to 9:30 a.m. every day but Tuesday.
Mike Hare is the author of Saratoga Lives and a Spa City tour guide.
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