Birth of a bank

Protecting your money (and decency) since 1902.
You hear the phrase "financial institution" and you probably don't think "colorful back-story," but one Saratoga Springs legend links a notorious gambler to the creation of The Adirondack Trust Company.
We're not sure if you can take this tale to the bank, but it sure is fun to tell.
In the early 20th century, a bank owner by the name of Butler rented his Saratoga Springs mansion to noted gambler Diamond Jim Brady and actress Lillian Russell. Some of the neighbors weren't so keen on having gamblers and theatrical types living next door, though. One of them, a Mrs. Brackett, really got her knickers in a twist.
To protest the outrage, Mrs. Bracket demanded that her husband, New York State Senator Edgar Brackett, pull all of his money out of Mr. Butler's bank. Mr. Brackett reminded his wife that Mr. Butler owned the only bank in town. To which she replied, "So, start your own."
A few years later Brackett and some of his well-heeled and powerful buddies formed The Adirondack Trust Company. Presumably Mrs.Brackett's knickers were then able to untwist.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?