AMD still won't commit, some backstretch workers only make $5 per hour, woman hit by car while sitting in office, Schenectady has its pick of teachers, Saratoga restaurants short-handed

The chairman of AMD was in Malta yesterday to tour the site of the proposed chip fab plant (also there: Joe Bruno). Hector Ruiz said a decision on the project is likely to come by the end of the year. Later at a private gathering in Saratoga, Ruiz reportedly said the company is hopeful it will commit to the Malta project. [TU] [Saratogian]

The New York Department of Labor figures that 80 percent of backstretch workers at The Track have been shorted on pay. Some have been making as little as five bucks an hour. The president of a trainers association says he and other trainers thought they were in compliance with labor laws. [TU] [Daily Gazette]

The Albany Police Department detective say the suspect in the January Delaware Ave triple murder confessed to the crime and then hugged him. The suspect's attorney is trying to get the statement thrown out. [TU]

A concrete septic tank has blocked two lanes of traffic on southbound 787 at exit 9 this morning. [CBS6]

A woman was sent to the hospital yesterday after she was struck by a car -- while sitting inside. Police say a driver unintentionally rammed her car through the side of the Raddock Building in Troy, hitting the woman as she sat in an office. [Troy Record]

The Schenectady School District is opening three schools to handle the students from the now-closed International Charter School. And it looks like there are plenty of teachers. The district's superintendent said it got 3,000 applicants for 120 teaching positions this year. [Daily Gazette] [TU]

Macy's has been fined $50,000 for throwing light bulbs containing mercury into the regular trash at its Crossgates store and another location on Long Island. [TU]

College students are heading back to school and that means many restaurants in Saratoga are short of staff this week. The Peerless Pool has also had to close sections because some of its lifeguards are back in school. [TU] [Saratogian]

The Japanese crew for the WWII film "Orion in Midsummer" has wrapped up filming on the USS Slater. [Troy Record]

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My three year old son absolutely loving riding the train around Huck Finn's (Hoffman's) Playland this summer.

Thank you!

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