The truth about Mary Jane

Who is the mysterious Mary Jane?
For ten years college students have lined up outside the Mary Jane Book Shop at the corner of Western and Quail in Albany at the beginning and end of every semester. Their mission: to buy and sell used textbooks . And every year they pass under the the photo of a smiling "Mary Jane."
But who is this mysterious Mary Jane-- the 60's co-ed with the bouffant hairdo and perfectly pressed blouse--the public face of Mary Jane books.
AOA tracked down the owner of the shop (no, she's not Mary Jane) to find out.
Carole Renzi opened Mary Jane Books ten years ago. She wanted the store to have a person's name. She played with combinations of her name and her partner's name, "but they were all lame."
So they started looking at their relatives. While looking through some old yearbooks, Carole came across a 1969 graduation picture of her aunt -- yep, Mary Jane -- and she knew she'd found what they were looking for.
Carole says it took her a few weeks to work up the courage to tell Aunt Mary Jane that she was going to make her (locally) famous. Aunt M.J. was apprehensive, but eventually gave in. Ten years later Carole says "she's still waiting for her kickback."
Now you know.
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Support local independent businesses like Mary Janes! It's the right thing to do.
Or .....don't! If you want to be a jerk, be a jerk! I can't live your life for you man.
... said Pantaloons on Sep 8, 2008 at 2:31 PM | link
Thanks AOA! I wait outside Mary Jane's for my bus all the time... I had often wondered how a book store wound up with such a name, but it never dawned on me to ASK. There it is, yet another reason to read AOA, they get the questions answered that we never get around to asking.
... said ThisQualityLife on Sep 8, 2008 at 4:26 PM | link