A billboard in the next lane

What's next? Driving TVs?
Check out this, well, this thing we saw driving down Western Ave near Stuyvesant Plaza today.
We'd call it a streetblimp, but there's advertising on every side of this thing. And the ads rotate as the truck drives along (the sides "flip" like blinds). We saw ads for a restaurant, a Harley dealership and a beer distributor.
We couldn't tell if the truck was actually hauling anything -- it would seem a little, um, not green, to be running the truck just for the purposes of ads. And then there's the safety issue of a vehicle that's designed to, you know, distract the drivers of other vehicles.
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If there is one thing I hate more than cyborg monkeys from the future who try to kill me (and believe me, I really really hate cyborg monkeys from the future who try to kill me) it's flashy distracting billboards. I'm getting very upset thinking about the possibility of billboards on wheels. Now if you'll excuse me, I must update my facebook status immediately to reflect this change in mood.
... said Pantaloons on Sep 30, 2008 at 2:02 PM | link
Yeah I love to hate these too - I first spotted one back in November and made a little animated GIF while it was stopped at the lights:
... said the_exile on Sep 30, 2008 at 2:29 PM | link
is feeling like its better than seeing those bloody babies driving around. (a la facebook)
... said Matt W on Sep 30, 2008 at 9:29 PM | link