It's Tuesday Morning... and Elvis lives

From his little-known "Discount Elvis" phase.
I was pretty disappointed when I wasn't able to make it to Tuesday Morning in Schenectady on Tuesday morning, like I'd planned.
It turns out I needn't have worried.
Tuesday Morning describes itself as a higher-end closeout store, although I recognized only a few name brands (and ever fewer of what I would consider higher-end brands) on my recent visit, like that Lenox Christmas china that seems to sprout like weeds every fall and a Ralph Lauren tablecloth (five packages, one color, three sizes, starting at $14.99).
There's that saying about how you can't be all things to all people and it felt like that's what Tuesday Morning is trying to be. It is pretty well organized considering the sheer variety of goods that they carry: luggage, lamps, seasonal decorations, glassware, linens, clothing, books, house wares, toys, candles, handbags, slippers, rugs, pillows, and more (much more). In most of these categories, there isn't usually more than two or three of any one item on the shelf; for example, while there were dozens and dozens of packages of placemats, you probably aren't going to get more than two or three of the same kind (which is perfect because that's probably the number of place settings or flatware sets you'll find).
The most interesting thing I found was a singing and talking Elvis robot for $59.99. Now, it wasn't turned on, so I can't say how good the singing and talking is, but the robot itself looked more like a beauty school dropout than any depiction of the King I've ever seen.
Contrary to what you might think (hey, I'll admit to thinking it), Tuesday Morning does not put out new merchandise only on Tuesday mornings; according to the website, the first Tuesday of the month is when the stores launch major events ten times per year. New merchandise is stocked as it comes in (though you can sign up on the store's web site for regular emails alerting you to particular offers).
I wanted to like Tuesday Morning, I really did, but I felt more like I was at a rummage sale than an "upscale closeout" store. If you're in Crosstown Plaza, it might be worth browsing if you're not looking for anything in particular (for example, they have a ton of candles -- votive, pillars, jars, and more), but I wouldn't make a special trip just to shop at Tuesday Morning.
Next Tuesday morning... I'm sleeping in.
Find It
Tuesday Morning
Crosstown Plaza
Schenectady, NY 12304
(518) 377-8739
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