Breaking the bank at local colleges

An expensive path to take.
According to a list compiled by a site called College Grotto (new to us, too), Skidmore and Union are among the 20 most expensive colleges in the nation. Skidmore's total cost weighs in at $49,266 per year (#13) and Union's at $48,552 (#19).
Of course, caveats do apply. At many schools -- and we're guessing this includes Skidmore and Union -- very few students pay full price. But even at a discount, that's still some serious coin. Just for perspective, the median household income in the US is $50,233, according to the census bureau.
Earlier on AOA: What students say about local colleges
photo: Flickr user saibotregeel
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This is mind-boggling to me.
Just mind-boggling.
Sure thing, when you have tasted gas at $2 a gallon, you know are getting shafted at $4, but if you have never tasted "free" education, or "free" health care, how can you realize how much your country is in trouble?
My most expensive years in Frenchland were probably during my PhD, when I paid a whopping $200 a year for tuition. And that was a school very similar to RPI. The average tuition for public engineering school, for example, is about 300 Euros now ($380), 1000 Euros for private schools. Ranging from 30 to 250 Euros for a "regular" public university in Paris. A large amount of students get in for free based on their family situation. Student loans are granted at 0% interest rate (not that I ever met somebody in that situation).
As I result, I wasn't in debt at 24. I didn't get to use a credit card until I moved to this country at 29, and I didn't learn to buy things with the money I didn't have. My credit score was therefore untouched and I was able to get decent loans, hereby reducing my debt and living a normal life, buy a house without struggling with a third job, get a decent health care, etc.
I'm lucky. Education costs money and obviously we pay taxes in France, but after 7 years here, this feels roughly the same to me. It's your system that is rotten. Health care as well. It really kills me to see how much you guys are getting pounded without reacting, striking, marching on the streets. How much of a beating do you guys need? Jail-breaking banks is OK? Pouring billions in Irak? And you still don't move?! Get smarter! Get healthier! You are a young country, you can probably afford a nice revolution, right?
... said Sebastien on Oct 27, 2008 at 3:28 PM | link
I'm a little surprised not to find St. Lawrence University on the list. The 2008-2009 comprehensive fee is $47,320.
Many private schools are seeing a large decrease in admitted students from the middle / upper-middle class. Current enrollment shows a large number of students from the lower class (scholarships, and financial aid) and a number of students from the upper class (paying full tuition). Many in the middle class have parents that earn enough income to disqualify them from financial aid but far short of the tuition cost. Therefore, many potential students are turning towards public education.
Also interesting is the recent trend among Ivy League schools to decrease tuition. Although schools such as Harvard and Yale have massive endowments, entitling them such liberty.
... said Sluzer on Oct 27, 2008 at 3:40 PM | link
"Pouring billions in Irak? And you still don't move?! Get smarter!"
Get a dictionary.
... said San Sebastien on Oct 27, 2008 at 3:42 PM | link
Go to a state school! Cuts your loans in half and we all know it's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know. I got my WHAT for about half of those private schools are asking and most of my private school friends are jealous of my job/salary...
... said Save Pine Hills on Oct 27, 2008 at 5:06 PM | link
> Get a dictionary.
Wake me up when you speak French.
... said Sebastien on Oct 27, 2008 at 8:28 PM | link
Did I hit a nerve? Listen up freedom fry; your attitude is why most Americans cannot stand the French. The arrogant, self righteous demeanor is quite hypocritical. Let us remember whose revolution actually occurred first.
Furthermore, after living in Europe I am perfectly aware that l'Irak is french for Iraq. I am also aware of the short comings of socialized medicine. What works for small, centralized countries does not always work on a larger scale.
... said San Sebastien on Oct 27, 2008 at 10:47 PM | link
'Furthermore, after living in Europe I am perfectly aware that l'Irak is french for Iraq."
So Sebastien had it right (one of the few things he has ever got right). You were being a douchenozzle. Here's your cookie, and those aren't raisins. Apprécier!
... said B on Oct 27, 2008 at 11:27 PM | link
As always, we're happy to see people talking, but we're going to blow the whistle on this thread.
If you'd like to talk about the cost of college or socialized medicine or whatever -- great. But if you'd like to trade insults, email us and we'd be happy to pass your address along to the other party so that you can call each other names privately.
... said Greg on Oct 28, 2008 at 12:02 AM | link
I remember the bill for my first semester at SUNY Albany (1982) like it was yesterday.. $1,561 for tuition, room and board. I had a $1,500 scholarhip and my dad wrote a check for $61 to pay the balance.
... said Barold on Oct 28, 2008 at 10:47 AM | link