Election night incident
Leigh posted today about what sounds like a disturbing incident during the Obama victory revelry last night in Center Square. We've put in calls to get the other side of the incident -- we'll update if we hear more.
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Seems like there must be more to this story. I'll be looking forward to the update. Though I wonder if someone put something in the water, ala Batman Begins, to cause all the recent violence in Albany... just a thought.
While were on the subject of the election check out this little gem... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=411_1225835024 Not sure how I missed that, I mean between all of the fancy holograms, and charts on CNN.
... said Capricious on Nov 5, 2008 at 5:19 PM | link
This doesn't come as a surprise to me at all. There were bound to be at least a few people around Center Square that didn't support Obama as much as Leigh did. It's a shame I wasn't there to see it, because I definitely would have had something to say!
It's disgusting how easily people turn to violence. And a respected member of the community? There has to be something wrong with him if he's willing to ruin his reputation so easily.
... said Disturbed on Nov 5, 2008 at 9:46 PM | link
As I read the blog entry, I was reminded of something that happened to me and several friends about two years ago, on Lark Street.
The particulars were different, but there were similar elements: several relatively unobtrusive people being bullied by a guy with a clear sense of entitlement (though in my case, the guy had obviously been drinking and the police weren't called).
I'm not familiar with [the person mentioned] by name.
So I did what everybody does these days, I googled him.
And there was his picture on the SUNY website.
He was wearing glasses at the time he harassed us, but it's definitely the same guy who pushed my friend into a light pole near Lancaster and Lark.
I think this [person mentioned] character could use an anger management class.
Editors: this comment has been edited to remove the name of the accused person because we haven't been able to confirm this incident.
... said Ctr Square Resident on Nov 5, 2008 at 10:12 PM | link
Can someone please decode that very confusing blog post?
Who, what?
... said MattW on Nov 5, 2008 at 10:48 PM | link
I'm appalled by your comment, Ctr Square Resident. I cannot believe this guy did this to you, too! As soon as he put my hands on my sister, I thought I was going to lose my mind. To push a guy is one (horribly immature and violent) thing, but to hit a girl is entirely different. People need to know what this man is really like.
As my sister stated in her blog, the lies that were flying out of this guy's mouth were incredible. I wouldn't be surprised if more things about [the person accused] started coming out now.
Editors: this comment has been edited. Please see note above
... said The "Sister" on Nov 6, 2008 at 12:41 AM | link
I would really love to hear the other side of this story, although from what we've read here there is absolutely no excuse.. I've lived in Ctr Sq for over 6 yrs and this is extremly out of the ordinary. Jeezzz. I voted Nader but celebrated the Obama win for a number of reasons.. I feel bad this happened to u guys!
... said caffeine on Nov 6, 2008 at 10:06 AM | link
MattW -
I am also very confused. The entry was very unclear and confusing.
... said Capricious on Nov 6, 2008 at 4:43 PM | link
I know who this is and I believe it, based on stories from a couple of friends of mine who happened to be renters in this guy's co-op building (his former residence).
To the first commenter, this wasn't about the election- this guy has an Obama sign in his window.
... said another center square resident on Nov 6, 2008 at 5:40 PM | link
Maybe said dude is just upset because his bedroom is on lark street?
I know when I lived on lark street, and my room was right on lark street, I would bang my head against the wall anytime revelers were out in full force or not.
He should probably move his bedroom to the back of the house. Less noise, and he won't be so angry pants.
... said Lola on Nov 6, 2008 at 10:57 PM | link
I agree with Lola here - it probably wasn't the election results, it was probably that it was loud on Lark St and he wanted to sleep. That plus a sense of entitlement... Power corrupts anyone?
I think my thing is that if you live on Lark St you obviously knew what you were signing up for. You know the parking sucks and its loud on big event nights, like election night. And Saturday. A guy I was seeing once lived on Lark St and it was never, ever quiet. He moved to Madison Ave and it was just as loud. If you don't want to deal with the noise, move to Troy. Or Latham. Or Saratoga. Center Square is loud. You moved there. Deal.
... said Ellie on Nov 7, 2008 at 12:37 AM | link