It was just too easy

Welcome to the rest of your life.
When the feds announced they wouldn't be prosecuting Eliot Spitzer for his involvement with prostitutes, headline writers in newsrooms all over the world probably couldn't contain themselves. Can't. Not. Make. Cheesy. Pun.
"Spitzer Gets Off, Prosecutorially Speaking" -- Gawker
"Spitzer Gets Off! No Charges for Fallen Gov" -- Village Voice
"Eliot Spitzer gets off too easily" -- Kansas City Star
"Luv Gov Gets Off" -- NBC Bay Area
"Eliot Spitzer gets off free" -- Daylife
"Spitz' Criminal Charges Get Swallowed" -- TMZ
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nice...and the woman who was booking the appointments is looking at a lengthy prison sentence. Where is the cupability with regards to our elected officials? Are we simply so blinded (no pun intended for the current Governor) by soundtrack driven sitcoms and American Idol, that we really have nothing but apathy? These individuals STEAL from you...they should be accountable to YOU, and's flabbergasting!
... said JT on Nov 7, 2008 at 11:24 AM | link
"Spitz' Criminal Charges Get Swallowed"
I have it on good authority that Spitzer's girl was a spitter, or spitzer, not a swallower.
... said Barold on Nov 7, 2008 at 11:59 AM | link
Okay. So I get that the charges he's being cleared of are federal charges regarding use of public funds in the scandal. So he didn't use public funds, he's not guilty of that.
I'm guessing he's still being charged for... what do they call it, "soliciting"? Any news on that?
... said B on Nov 7, 2008 at 2:18 PM | link