The Heroes of Troy
Remember the song "Everyday Heroes"? Well, a new art project in Troy is kind of based on that idea.
OK, that sounds kind of cheesy. But trust me, it's much cooler than it sounds. And you could be a part of it.
After relocating to Troy from the Big Apple, photographer Jasmine Ceniceros has set out to showcase the everyday people who make up the Collar City with a project called "Heroes of Troy."
Ceniceros first started visiting the area to see her boyfriend and she says that's when she first began documenting the city itself. She says she's always been amazed by the wide array of people that make up Troy and she wanted to find some sort of project as a culmination of her observations.
And thus, the idea for "Heroes of Troy" was born. For the past month, Ceniceros held open studio sessions in which people were invited to come into pose for a portrait. The only criteria? Be a resident of Troy. The selection is amazingly diverse, including people of all ages and all professions. Even the mayor himself is rumored to be among those photographed.
The project led to a collaboration with the city's Digital Artists' Space, which is working to print 60 by 40-inch black and white prints of Ceniceros' portraits. The pieces will be shown at this month's Troy Night Out on Nov. 28 at the old Mary Elizabeth's storefront at 260 Broadway. Many of the photos are already up on Ceniceros' blog and they're definitely worth checking out.
The show will be up for a month but the project isn't ending there. Ceniceros' is working to establish a sort of installation piece that will be in various locations around the city. Basically, she says, the portraits will be blown up into posters that will hang on kiosks around the city, along with information about the project. She hopes to expand "Heroes of Troy" beyond that as well in yet-to-be-determined
Ceniceros, a professional photographer, has about 80 portraits done so far. She's hoping to have a total of 100 though. She'll be holding another session this Sunday that will also serve as a fundraising event for would-be sponsors of her projects. (After all, the materials are expensive, and it's a good cause!) If you're interested in getting your picture taken, sponsoring the project or just finding out more information, come by the former Gilbert House at 189 2nd St. in Troy Sunday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. There will also be drink and appetizers from Troy chef Larry Schepici.
photo: Jasmine Ceniceros
Find It
Heroes of Troy display
260 Broadway
Troy, NY 12180
The project debuts November 28 during Troy Night Out.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?