We watched the Ashley Dupre interview so you don't have to

Dupre 20/20 screengrabAshley Dupre -- of Eliot Spitzer "Kristen" infamy -- was on 20/20 Friday night. She talked with Diane Sawyer about a bunch of stuff: her life growing up, how she got into the business, her dog.

But we're guessing you're interested in the bits about the former governor (we were). Here they are:

About whether she feels responsible for Spitzer downfall:

"If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else. I was doing my job. I don't feel that I brought him down."

On whether she knew who Spitzer was:

"He looked familiar. But I was 22 years old, I didn't, I wasn't reading the papers. I was so involved in my life and I was so selfish and so caught up in my life. And I didn't know who he was. I was whoever they wanted me to be and he was whoever he wanted to be."

On watching Silda Spitzer during Eliot Spitzer's press conference:

"I felt connected to her. I didn't feel connected to him. Her pain, I just saw the pain in her eyes ... I didn't feel anything for him."

One whether Spitzer was a "difficult" client:

"Legally, I've been advised not to answer that."

On how many times she and Spitzer got together:

"Legally, I am not able to answer that question."

Again, whether she felt at all responsible:

I don't feel that I brought him down.

What did?

A decision he made.

On what she would say to Spitzer:

"I wouldn't say anything to him. I'd say it to his wife ... 'Sorry for your pain.'"


Quick reaction:

-Yeah wow. That was about as exciting as reading next years state budget proposal.

- I'm sure Silda Spitzer is really comforted by her apology and not at all annoyed or embarrassed.

-Is it just me or does she have a Natalie Portman thing going on in that picture?

-"But, I was 22".. girl, that was only 6 months ago. Don't go blaming things on your youth.

-Can you please please please go away now?

OK, try this, "I am sorry for the pain I have caused you". Sure, he made choices, and so did you. Take SOME responsibility, eh?

She's had all this time to think about what she would say, and this is the best she could do? Sad.

"OK, try this, "I am sorry for the pain I have caused you". Sure, he made choices, and so did you. Take SOME responsibility, eh?"

Well, she actually said "sorry for your pain." There's a difference between feeling sorry for someone in a sh*tty situation and believing you were the cause of it. And Ashley Dupre doesn't owe a direct apology to Silda Spitzer; Dupre wasn't the one who took marriage vows with her. Eliot Spitzer's the one that sought out extramarital sex, so he's the one that owes apologies all around. (Frankly, I never saw the point in blaming "the other woman/man" for an affair; "the other woman/man" doesn't owe you anything.)

But yeah, this is hardly a cutting-edge interview about the news of the day. ABC's about 6 months late w/this one. News flash: In case the old MySpace page and other stories that surfaced while the story was still relevant didn't clue you in, Spitzer's hooker is *still* a not-too-bright Jersey girl. The only thing we've learned is that she apparently still favors the same tanning methods as our local Oompa-Loompa mayor.

Having only ever seen the photo of her in those aviator sunglasses before, I am kind of surprised at how plain looking her face is. I thought she'd be way hotter, at those prices.

Elizabeth -- it's funny you say that. I, too, was thinking that she was this sultry, sexy mama. In the pictures I've seen of her strutting around the City, and the one on the boat, etc., she seems a lot more sensual and seductive than girl-next-door, which was the way she was portrayed in the interview.

Ms Dupre's less than revealing dress is part of her "reformed whore" image.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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