Carrie Haddad Photographs
The Carrie Haddad Gallery in Hudson is opening a new photography gallery called, well, Carrie Haddad Photographs. And the first exhibition, titled "Such Great Heights," looks very cool. Here's a bit about it from the gallery:
The inaugural exhibition at Carrie Haddad Photographs, the brand new exhibit space of Carrie Haddad Gallery, borrows its title from The Postal Services' song, Such Great Heights. The song romantically proclaims that, "everything looks perfect from far away" and the five photographers featured in this show explore a world seen from this same spectacular vantage point. Whether they attempt to transmit a narrative or not, they radiate a sense of great magnitude; the world appears immense and yet wholly intimate and personal.
We're especially interested in the tilt-shift photography of Vincent Laforet (that's his photo on the right) and Keith Loutit (check out his awesome tilt-shift "video" of Sydney Harbor); and the photo montages by Lori Van Houten.
The new gallery opens this weekend. There's a reception on Saturday from 6 to 8 pm.
Find It
Carrie Haddad Gallery
318 Warren St
Hudson, NY 12534
(518) 828.7655
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?