Fired up for the New Year

We're guessing it'll kind of be like this, but shaped like an "8" and, you know, not floating.
What is it with people wanting to set stuff on fire at public events now? The schedule for this year's First Night celebration in Saratoga Springs includes a plan to burn a 25-foot figure eight -- you know, to, um, celebrate the year that was.
Of course, the Flaming 8 follows the Floating, Burning Windmill and Tulip from this year's TulipFest. That kind of sounded cool, but the result was actually just sort of odd.
A few other notable things about this year's Saratoga First Night after the jump.
+ There will be 80 performances at 35 venues.
+ The 5k run will be held simultaneously with a run at a US base in Afghanistan (there might be a simulcast of that, too).
+ The Congress Park Carousel will be open all night (rides are 50 cents).
+ Events will be held in Spa State Park for the first time.
+ There will be fireworks in Congress Park at midnight.
+ Tickets (er, buttons) are $15.
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Please upstate - stop setting stuff on fire to try and look cool. It's really not working.
I just pictured Beavis type character on the committee proposing these fire-like events going: Yeah, we'll all set this awesome huge thing on fire.. .hehe.. fiah fiah fiah! hehehehe. fiah fiah!
... said Lola on Dec 2, 2008 at 2:36 PM | link