Joe Bruno is all about sunshine now

joe_bruno.jpgNo, really, it's true. He says so in today's New York Times.

OK, what he actually said was:

"I feel like technology is a place that governments at all levels are going to have to look at for relief, to create efficiencies that they want and need, to create the service that people demand these days, to be responsive and to do it in a cost-effective way."

"[The press] can have some fun with that, but I've always really been kind of on the leading edge of being open."

Of course, this is the guy who fought to keep member items (you know, pork) secret. Now that he's pitching computer systems for Latham-based CMA Consulting -- hey, open databases for everyone!

A few other tidbits about what else Bruno's up to these days, after the jump.

According to today's NYT story...

+ Saratoga County GOP chairman Jasper Nolan says there's "a load off [Bruno's] shoulders" now that he's left the state Senate.

+ Bruno's spent at least $25k on legal fees in the last month.

+ He says he's not doing any "Monday morning quarterbacking" of Dean Skelos, his replacement as Senate majority leader.

+ David Paterson went to a barbecue at Bruno's house on the Fourth of July -- and the two reportedly talk every other week.

+ He tends to his horses every day.

The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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