Ra Ra Riot this Thursday

Ra Ra Riot
We're not sure how to describe Ra Ra Riot, which is playing this Thursday night at Valentine's. Classical-influenced indie rock? Chamber emo? Their label describes their sound as...
"a healthy dose of dance-party-inspiring rock 'n' roll - but also contained more dramatic and unexpected elements that grew from [Rebecca] Zeller and [Alexandra] Lawn's dueling strings and the remarkable, Morrissey-meets-Tom Verlaine voice of [singer Wesley] Miles."
Whatever you call it, it's good. The group started at Syracuse University in 2006 and they've already toured with bands such as Tokyo Police Club, Editors and Vampire Weekend.
You can listen to a Daytrotter session they recorded earlier this Fall. And they've recorded three WOXY Lounge Acts -- our favorite is probably their first, from 2006, when they covered Kate Bush's "Hounds of Love" (it's at the very end of the set).
The show at Valentine's starts at 8 pm. So Many Dynamos and Princeton open. Tickets are $10 (ahead) / $12 (door).
photo: Doron Gild
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You're not sure how to describe them? Really?! How about "freaking awesome music you must listen to on a daily basis to keep from driving yourself into a wall with all the other folk-hipster revival"?!
It's beautiful art. Sweet, sweet love for your ears. Ra Ra Riot, as a moniker, even flows like holy water. Just know how lucky you are to have them within a five-mile radius, and to OWN their stomping grounds. Go have a listen. Bob your head along. Just avoid the "emo" reflection. I'd call it music that rests in desperation's arms.
Okay, enough of my Riot-stalker ramblings...
... said heathah on Dec 3, 2008 at 12:29 AM | link
I would kind of like to see Ra Ra Riot, their new album the Rhumb line is pretty good and I hear that their live show is even better, although I've never seen them.
Its unfortunate they are touring with such obnoxious bands, I would like to blame step up but its obviously not their fault as the bands will be sharing the stage all tour (and they aren't even on the same booking agency, wierd).
I can however blame stepup for not putting any local bands on the show that make me want to go, for treating local bands like ticket salesmen and for charging way too much for mediocre shows.
... said Alex on Dec 3, 2008 at 4:29 PM | link
Is it just me, or is there some unfortunate (or strategic?) hand placement in this photo?
The guy furthest to the right...
Sorry, I am terribly juvenile!
... said Lee on Dec 3, 2008 at 8:24 PM | link