Trial begins for teen accused of killing Kathina Thomas, state Senate Dems still haven't worked things out, father-son duo accused of stealing tombstones, pot eater tasered by police

The trial of the teenager accused of firing the shot that killed Kathina Thomas last May starts today. Albany County DA David Soares has asked local media outlets to not identify witnesses in the trial because of worries about witness intimidation. [Daily Gazette] [TU]

Our famously dysfunctional state legislature opens its new session tomorrow. Will the Democrats be able to organize control of the state Senate? Maybe. Maybe not. [TU] [NYDN] [NYT]

The SUNY Research Foundation is reviewing the resume of Susan Bruno -- Joe Bruno's daughter -- after the TU reported it may have included questionable claims about her education and credentials. Susan Bruno currently holds an $84k/year job with the foundation. [TU]

A company-funded study reports that the Lafarge cement plant in Ravena is the second largest emitter of mercury in the state. The reported levels are half of what they were two years ago, but one prominent expert says it's still "a heck of a lot of mercury." [TU]

The drama continues in Saratoga Springs over the South Side Recreation Center. The city council has alloted $20,000 for its legal defense against a lawsuit over the project. A group called Friends of the South Side Park is suing the council, saying the project violates zoning and environmental rules. [TU] [Saratogian]

Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood says it's looking to build a new Albany facility -- and it could sell its building on Lark Street to help fund the project. [TU]

Colonie police say a father/son team tried to steal $6,000 worth of granite headstones from a company on Rt 9. Why steal headstones? Good question. The stones apparently can't be turned into anything else -- not even countertops. [Troy Record] [TU] [Fox23]

Troy police say they tasered a man after he wouldn't stop trying to eat a bag of pot. They say they stopped the man after he ran a stop sign last Friday. Noted: it appears that trying to eat a bag of marijuana is a bigger crime than actually having a bag of marijuana. [Troy Record]

Troy police say they're looking for two men who robbed a man of his false teeth at gunpoint on Sunday. The muggers also got away with $3 in cash. [Troy Record]

Twelve members of Shen's 22-member hockey team have been suspended for smoking pot during a team trip in December. [TU]

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My three year old son absolutely loving riding the train around Huck Finn's (Hoffman's) Playland this summer.

Thank you!

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