Lisa Barone is a raging knee sock fanatic

The lady loves her knee socks.
Update October 2009 We've heard from Lisa a few months ago that she's now no longer associated with this site. And the link is now dead.
About a month ago we noticed that Lisa Barone, a self-described "brand evangelist and blog princess" for an internet marketing company in Troy, was posting a "knee socks of the day" picture in her Twitter stream. We thought that was both fun and funny.
But little did we realize Lisa had bigger sock plans. She recently launched a site called KneeSockz -- a sort of fantasy land for lovers of knee socks, toe socks, over the knee socks, and leg warmers.
Our sock collection has been looking kind of tired, so we emailed her a few questions.
So what's with the knee sock obsession?
I know, it's kind of ridiculous, isn't it? It started as a fun way to show a little personality at my old job. I was wearing skirts and looking like a professional every day and needed a way to (a) spice it up and (b) keep my legs warm. Knee socks and over the knee socks seemed like a fun way to do that. So I started hunting for them online and...oh my goodness it was like a brand new world that I never knew existed! And that's the day I became a raging knee sock fanatic.
(It didn't hurt that I am also morally opposed to wearing shoes so showing up to work in knee socks made my boss happy. I think he was tired of catching me barefoot.)
Really, I think knee socks give me a way to hang on to that spirit of playfulness we lose in the craziness of our day.. They're fun and they're functional and, at least to me, there's pretty much nothing as exciting as a new pair of knee socks.
Is there a knee sock movement we've missed out on?
No, but I'd love to start one. Seriously, I think the Web has done a lot to spark all these "mini movements." We're forming online communities based around the topics and things that interest us. And when you connect a bunch of like-mind crazy people, who knows what will happen.
Any local places you like to shop for knee socks?
I belong to the Age of the Internet, so I do most of my shopping online. I just moved into the Capital Region a few months ago so I really need to get out and explore it and find places to buy socks locally. I'm sure there are some great places out here and hopefully I'll be able to find them. Not only for the socks but to locate some new sock friends, too. Sock people are good people.
Knee socks are obviously cute -- but they seem to have taken on a certain sexiness, too.
Yeah, I get that a lot; people accuse me of running a fetish Web site. ;) Sure, there's that angle. I can tell by the number of males following the @kneesockz Twitter account that perhaps there's a bit of sexiness involved.
Truthfully, I don't pay any attention to that part. If you've been to the Web site, you can see that's not what we're about. That's not the spirit of the site. For me, knee socks (and kneesockz) is about having fun and not being afraid to stand out a bit and I know lots of other girls feel that way, too.
What's your favorite pair of knee socks? Why?
Ah, this is hard. Okay, you have to let me pick two. The Pink and Black Checkered and the Grey Rainbow Striped are probably my two favorite pairs on the site.
The Checkered socks are just loud and fun. You can't be shy while wearing them and they pretty much force you to have an outrageous day. I can be quiet sometimes so when I wear those socks I'm already deciding that today is going to be a take charge kind of day. You can't be meek in neon.
The Grey Rainbow socks are totally different. They give the illusion that you're a grown up, but you can still have fun with them and they go with everything (have you ever tried to match neon pink socks? It's not easy). They're understated, but still great in their own right. They may actually be my favorite pair, but don't tell the Checkered.
The great think about running a knee sock site is that we get new socks in every week so I'm always able to find new favorites and must haves. That's what the site is about.
photos: Lisa Barone
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Worst idea for an AOA article ever.
... said Ellsass on Jan 23, 2009 at 3:01 PM | link
Say what you want, this is foot porn. Not that I have a problem with that. But don't call it adorable. If you don't think these pictures are hot, you don't have feet.
... said just saying on Jan 23, 2009 at 3:41 PM | link
You are soo not alone Lisa! My girlfriends and I LOVE wearing knee socks too! We're always picking up new pairs for eachother because there are so many different ones we come across. Great idea! It really does make me smile inside!
... said Caffeine on Jan 23, 2009 at 4:06 PM | link
We here on the Hellions of Troy feel Lisa is an excellent candidate for roller derby with her love of knee socks - its one of the first requirements to be a roller girl (and, if you ever check out our own Will Jettison's leggings, you might find cool socks are not just for the ladies).
We'd love to have her put some skates on over those socks. I know I prefer barefoot as well. But knee socks and skates are a close second.
Since we'll be landing at a bout location in Troy soon AND she lives and works in Troy, it may just be a match made in heaven!
... said Bitches Bruze on Jan 23, 2009 at 4:32 PM | link
I think it's great to hear about local people following their passion. Too bad we don't all know how to go about doing that.
Rock on Lisa Barone!
... said Kim on Jan 23, 2009 at 4:54 PM | link
I'm wearing knee socks at this very moment and I wear them pretty much all winter during the day or with shorts to bed. I love knee socks.
... said Katherine on Jan 26, 2009 at 9:49 AM | link
I believe that last Saturday I may have inadvertently agreed to wear knee socks and circa 70's NBA shorts at some point in the near future. The only problem is I'm a guy. Thanks Lisa Barone, thanks a lot.
... said B on Jan 26, 2009 at 1:41 PM | link
Such a cute story. It reminds me a lot of my own. I am known for wearing the most WILD socks even at my old age of 40 *something*. :)
My sock craze actually started out of necessity. I started wearing them when I was working outside. I had on my other favorite - *overalls* - since they were shorts my legs would sometimes get either cold or scratched so I started wearing knee high socker playing socks... then I came across a few holiday promoted "toe socks" ... then found leg warmer socks and then it just snowballed from there! Give me a pair of leggin's and I'll return with a pair of matching socks over them.
It's just about fun, style and entertainment in many ways. My friends and family never know what to expect when they come to visit me. LMAO
No matter how crazy, calm, fun, serious or boring my life is I can still appreciate the small things that can make me smile, or laugh... even if it's just a pair of silly ol' socks.
Pink S.
... said pink socks on Oct 26, 2009 at 6:32 AM | link