School board says it will investigate Raucci, RPI and Skidmore pass on Dalai Lama, donations poured in for cat surgery, Guilderland politicians flaming each other, Smith's reopens

The Schenectady School Board has decided to pursue its own investigation of Steven Raucci, the district employee accused of arson and terrorism. The board says the investigation will only focus on allegations of sexual harassment and workplace misconduct. District officials have said they didn't know about Raucci's alleged behavior. [TU] [Daily Gazette]

Paul Tonko said yesterday in DC that the federal agency responsible for assessing the health risks of the former depleted uranium plant on Central Ave has "failed the people of Colonie and Albany who live near the site." An outside expert has recommended that the agency pursue a comprehensive medical study of people living in the area surrounding the former plant. [TU]

The lawyer for a suspended Albany police sergeant says his client never told Bethlehem cops to back off an APD detective suspected of driving drunk. [TU]

An arbitration report says a now-former Albany police officer admitted to coming to work high on pot and using cocaine at a bar on New Scotland Ave. [TU]

Both RPI and Skidmore apparently turned down the chance to host the Dalai Lama during his upcoming visit to the Capital Region because of concerns about the visit's sponsor organization. UAlbany is now planning to host the spiritual leader. [TU]

The man accused of killing his girlfriend in Lansingburgh two weeks ago -- and then threatening police with a knife -- has pleaded not guilty. [TU]

A Cohoes man has been charged with terrorism after he allegedly threatened a member of the Rensselaer County DA's office. [Troy Record]

Jim Tedisco says state comptroller Tom DiNapoli has assured him the state will be paying the property tax it owes on the Saratoga Race Course. The state has so far balked at paying the taxes from the fourth quarter of last year. [Saratogian]

The number of home foreclosures in the Capital Region was down in February compared to the same period a year ago. Nationally, it was up almost 30 percent. [Biz Review]

SABIC -- the former GE Plastics -- says it will be cutting 23 jobs at its plant in Selkirk. [WNYT]

There's now a $7,500 reward for information in the case of two dead dogs found wrapped in plastic bags along the side of a road in Bethlehem. [TU]

The animal organization that solicited donations for a cat's open heart surgery says it received a total of $10,000 -- that's $7,000 more than was needed for the procedure. The cat has been operated on and is recovering. [TU]

It seems that Guilderland politicians can't get enough of flaming each other online. [TU]

Schenectady is expanding its downtown "ambassador" program. [Daily Gazette]

Smith's -- the roughly 100-year-old restaurant in Cohoes -- has re-opened with a new owner and a slightly different name. [Troy Record]


An Albany cop was fired for coming to work after smoking pot and doing coke? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you! Why, in Schenectady, he'd have been promoted!

I think that Ambassador program sounds like a good idea. I saw one a couple weeks ago near the Broadway Parking garage. If the visitors for an event feel safe attanding, they are more likely to return and tell others of the events going on in Sch'dy. It just might help with certain reputations the city has.

That's funny, I posted this link on the original thread before I saw it here. Well, here it is again:

It made me smile.

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