Where's everybody going?

Pew migration chartAccording to an analysis by the Pew Research Center, New York was ranked third among states with the most number of residents migrating to other states between 2005-2007.

In a twist (at least to us), it wasn't necessarily the Sun Belt that was sucking away New York residents. Sure, Florida was the #1 destination for former New Yorkers (hello, retirement!), but it was followed by New Jersey and Pennsylvania. North Carolina and Georgia rounded out the top five.

Also: New York ranked #8 among states with the most number of people moving into it. A lot of this probably just has to do with New York's relatively large population. But if you look at the percentage of the current state population that was born in another state (a measure of whether a state's "a magnet," as Pew describes it), New York ranks dead last.


map: Pew Research Center


High cost of living and rotten winters? Just a thought.

On the flip-side, we have very few natural disasters. That should count for something.

There was a time in my life when I seriously considered moving to Tulsa due it's low cost of living and (well, at the time) decent job market. Only divorcing the Okie stopped me.

Then again I'll gladly take a blizzard over an F5 tornado...

No, no, no....You have cause and effect mixed up. The bad winters are not a reason folks don't move into the state. Look at the stats, it's about the percent *born* in the state. New Yorkers stay in the state...And reproduce. Think blizzard of '78 and the associated, well documented, birth blip 9 months later. :)

I don't think it's the winter- Minnesota's Twin Cities have been booming like no other for the last few years. I don't think it's the lack of brunches- we covered that fairly well in another post. One theory- people don't want to move to the state where the state is the best/only employer? Or you can get a job in the city, but then you have to commute from Hackensack unless you're Bernie Madoff. People will often relocate just about anywhere if the job is sweet enough. We'll see if these numbers are different after the magical nanotech/green technology boom we are about to experience up here.

By only considering the percentage of population born in another state, they're missing immigration, which is a huge contributor still to New York's population. The study even notes that foreign-born residents have more than doubled since 1980, but doesn't include them in their counts. To not count immigrants in New York City is like not noticing the buildings.

@Carl: Good point!

Hah! Thanks, Carl. Such a valid point, and also the reason I love NYS!

Interesting "Immigration Explorer" Flash tool at nytimes.com:


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