Pass It On

The semi-annual Pass It On consignment sale for kids stuff started today (there were previews earlier this week). We saw some good deals at previous sales, but it's intense. Jennifer Gish has some ideas for navigating it (photo gallery).


Half off the last day. Yeah, I'm classy.

A few more tips:

The temperature inside is OUTRAGEOUSLY hot. Leave your coat in the car. And while you're at it? Leave your kid, too. Unless they are small enough to be slinged, or you have a kid-wrangler while you shop, you need all your brains to get through the racks.

Bring a drink. And a snack. Srsly. The line to check-out can be 30-90+ minutes.

Look for the real deals. Remember, it's used clothing. Garage sale prices are way better than Pass It On, but you're paying for the convenience of one-stop thifting, rather than spending your entire summer looking for the right sized puddle boots. (Land's End, red, toddler sized 8, thank-you-very-much to my early insider shopper!)

Bring a really specific list. You don't have time to browse through every rack. Focus and conquer!

This really is a bit of an endurance event. And there are some sharp elbows in them there clothes racks. The first time I went with my husband thinking we'd mosey through and have fun browsing. Ha!

I just came from the sale and I figured there wouldn't be much left. Sections of it are pretty picked over (baby things like bottles, car seat mats, bottle sterilizers, etc.) but there are a ton of clothes and toys, some baby activity centers and lots of baby saucers. They're also still putting new stuff out (at least, as of this morning they were).

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