Gnomes on the loose!

Blue Pants expanded his mind at UAlbany's library.
Blue Pants and Red Pants, the Washington Park gnomes, have been found! And they're headed off on new adventures!
Blue Pants took a tour of UAlbany's uptown campus this past weekend thanks to Bob F:
I quickly learned he had a desire to get a better education and wanted to travel uptown a bit. He had a nice tour of the SUNY campus, did some studying in the library, tried the food service menu and opted for Pizza, then found a new home tucked away in one of the gardens on the podium.
And what of Red Pants? Sebastien reports that he's been found, but his whereabouts are currently unknown. Oh, Red Pants, where have you gone?
By the way, here are the original locations for Blue Pants and Red Pants.
photo: Bob F and Sebastien
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Congrats Bob.
I hope Red Pants has simply moved instead of being stolen.
... said Summer on Mar 30, 2009 at 1:34 PM | link
Is anyone looking for Blue Pants? I don't get over to SUNY often so have not seen if he is still under the bush. He's been there a week
Hint for anyone who goes searching...he is in one of the "gardens" on the Podium.
... said Bob F. on Apr 6, 2009 at 10:26 AM | link
On this Summer-like Spring day I wandered to SUNY to check on my friend Blue Pants. He is still there! He is lying down now, so someone may have picked him up and put him back. If anyone is interested in taking up the hunt again...he is in what is known as the "West Garden" at SUNY which is behind the library.
... said Bob F. on Apr 25, 2009 at 5:48 PM | link