Stuck on the bull's eye

The bulls eye sticker -- no longer fashionable.
Far be it from us to be the ultimate arbiters of what's in and what's out -- but we're pretty sure sporting a "bull's eye" sticker on your windshield is no longer fashionable in Albany.
So when we got a tip that some of Albany's finest are still displaying the "get out of parking fines free" stickers on their cars, we took a walk past the APD station where Western and Madison come together. Sure enough, we spotted a couple of the tags.
According to previous comments by the APD, the stickers don't work anymore (and they really give your car a look that's so "Old Albany"). Because we like to help, here are instructions on how to remove stickers from windshields.
(Thanks, C!)
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Im sorry but if the biggest problem this city has is to face is the bullseye ghost tickets, then what the heck. There are a lot more serious issues that they are lying about like the city land fill, the budget and the heath insurance cost of the fire department. Not to mention the snow removal problem, the scrap for cash, the tearing down of historic buildings.. and finally TAXES...
... said hrgreen on Apr 1, 2009 at 5:27 PM | link
Take the stickers off? Nooooo!!! It's the ultimate status symbol!
In fact, if you weren't on the list before, now is your chance to get your own VIP Albany parking sticker. Buy a roll and give them to all of your friends. :D
... said abby on Apr 1, 2009 at 6:33 PM | link
They won't take them off for a very simple reason: the culture of the APD has taught them that they are a different class of citizen, and the normal morals and rules that apply to civilians do not apply to the APD. What does it tell you when the police commissioner can lie so blatantly to a council of elected officials? I don't blame all cops, but I do blame the leadership, who sets the ethical climate.
... said Erik on Apr 2, 2009 at 9:10 AM | link
Erik, have you ever seen a PD without that attitude? Anywhere?
... said komradebob on Apr 2, 2009 at 5:17 PM | link
Point taken, but its certainly more prevalent in some departments than others. Albany for example may not be as bad (or at least as open) in this respect as the Schenectady PD.
... said erik on Apr 3, 2009 at 12:53 PM | link
How about we cause a big stink about the fact that our streets are NOT SAFE instead of whining about stupid politicians parking where they want without penalty.
... said Kathleen on Apr 3, 2009 at 7:26 PM | link
The reason why a big stink needs to be made about the parking stickers is the culture of entitlement that some politicians and cops have in the Capital District. Yes, the streets "aren't safe" (and I use that term very loosely - I don't feel particularly unsafe), but at least part of that is due to the fact that cops seem to patrol where/when/how they choose, and only seem to react to bad situations, not preempt them. On Thursday night, I saw somebody drop a bag of garbage out of a car at a red light at the corner of Lark and State St while next to a cop (in a car). The cop looked over at the noise of the falling garbage and then continued to drive away.
We need cops that do their jobs and not ignore the law, whether breaking it themselves or looking the other way b/c they don't feel like dealing with smaller infractions (like parking violations or littering). That's why a "big stink" needs to be made over the parking situation.
... said Joey S. on Apr 4, 2009 at 1:50 PM | link