What's up in the Neighborhood

The NeighborhoodAmong the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: local TV news, dogs, surprise, recycling, Rensselaer, river water, classiness, Old Navy and donuts.

Ed Dague on the state of local TV news: "The viewers are leaving in droves because the business model that led to the replacement of bright, experienced and serious people with shallow sycophants wanting to be stars has made all the station's newscasts irrelevant."

Speaking of the news biz, if newspapers stop delivering, Rob's dogs are going to be out of a job.

Skidmore Unofficial seems a little surprised that the Saratogian was surprised by the open pot smoking this week on the Skidmore campus.

People at Naomi's blog came up with some ideas about where to recycle a computer locally.

Bath-on-Hudson put together a little Rensselaer visitors guide for the cast and crew of that Angelina Jolie movie.

Big transportation news for TQL: she got a new (to her) bike with the help of the Troy Bike Rescue -- and she drove a car.

KiMelodic saw the reflecting pools being filled at the ESP -- and dug up the backstory on where the water comes from (the river) and why it's black.

Kristi was invited to a very "select" event.

Kate scored some cute shoes at the Salvation Army.

Fun in Saratoga ate at the Shanghai Grill and found it "notably lackluster."

And Albany Jane's husband is "in LURVE" with the sauce on the ribs at Capital Q.

Tweets of the week

From @kerrin32: "if this company wore pants, the seat of said pants would have many frequent flyer miles"

From @Mrs_Misanthrope: "Old Navy just left a commercial message on my home phone. How many times do I need to tell them... I'm a conscientious objector!"

From @SallyBlock: "The boys at work like me for my donuts. Not a euphemism."

From @KevinMarshall: "Can't wait to see locals who 'knew' the Craigslist Killer on TV. 'Okay, Dude Who Saw Him at the Lionheart a Couple Times, your thoughts?'"

There's a lot more going on around the Neighborhood, check it out. If you know of another great local blog we should include -- or person to follow on Twitter -- post a comment or send us an email: editors |at| alloveralbany |dot| com.


Wow Ed Dague, tell us how you really feel.

RE: Skidmore smokeout, I went to a similar event at RPI in 2001. I'm not sure if they still have a 4/20 smokeout, but I wouldn't be surprised if they still do. In fact, I hope they still do.

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