Everyone knows it's windy

But we didn't realize it was going to be this windy. We snapped this pic on Western Ave in Albany just uptown of the Madison/Western merge.
The National Weather Service has issued a wind advisory until 7 pm this evening. The NWS reports that gusts will likely exceed 45 mph.
National Grid is reporting more than 500 without power in Albany County as of 3:37 pm this afternoon (it's estimating the power will be back up by this evening).
A bunch of wind reports, comments and sightings via Twitter after the jump.
Reports via Twitter:
From @amymengel: "Wind is crazy here today. Big part of facade of our bldg at work blew off."
From @ersie: "Get home, find Hudson ave at No Allen, ALB blocked off by police. earlier, fire truck was there and city truck hauling away tree trunk."
From @ernestsewell: "The wind is KILLER here today. There are storms moving through. Rained overnight, but VERY windy today. I think the house is coming down."
From @jchristopher: "It feels like our building is going to blow the heck over with one of these gusts of wind..."
From @B_Nut: "Dear Albany: stop it with the wind already. We get it, you're aaaaaaangry."
From @Ellsass: "My building has been shaking in this #albanywind. Looking out the window I think I saw Joe Bruno walking by."
From @keobee: "Almost pulled a Marilyn Monroe leaving work, white dress and all."
From @tenacioustij: "Softball game is still on today despite the wind and the coming rain. Lets hope crazy gusts = crazy home runs!!!"
From @SummerWilber: "where is the thunder and lightning? Well, I have to walk to Springsteen in it, so I guess that's good."
From @go_phish: "Perhaps Njörðr, Norse god of the wind, is currently a teacher in NY and is upset about his salary going public on timesunion.com"
Thanks to everyone who tagged their tweets!
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I just have to wonder what percentage of AOA readers got the musical reference in the headline.
... said Mark on May 14, 2009 at 6:18 PM | link
A huge tree limb came down on Chestnut Street today. No one was hurt and no cars crushed - but that was lucky. The limb was as long as the street was wide and i would say 9-12" diameter. No pictures - the city forestry crew made quick work of the mess.
... said biodiva on May 14, 2009 at 6:40 PM | link
that pic is defo in front of my old house, sorry guy in the truck....its probably because I didnt trim the tree
... said JVG on May 14, 2009 at 6:43 PM | link
look, the storms gone......................
... said Miles on May 14, 2009 at 7:33 PM | link
It was windy today?
(j/k...this is what wind storms were like in my hometown: http://www.flickr.com/photos/royboy81/sets/72157594189539666/with/183359564/ )
... said James on May 14, 2009 at 7:50 PM | link
In response to Miles:
Poster is dead. Poster is dead. Poster's soooooooo dead.
(no idea if you actually meant for that to be a reference, heh)
... said Matt on May 14, 2009 at 8:34 PM | link