The Capital Region pork report

The New York State Assembly recently published its list of member items for this budget year. If the phrase "member item" doesn't ring a bell, you might know them by their more common name: pork.
But, really, one person's pork is another's bacon. Thanks to a big help from NYPIRG (see note), a breakdown of the Capital Region's bacon haul -- names, organizations, totals -- is after the jump.
All counted, the Capital Region scored a little more than $1.46 million in Assembly member items this year. The Assembly gave out $85 million total.
The whole list, in a sortable table, is embedded above.
Note: Jim Tedisco didn't request any member items this year -- either out of principle or because he figured he'd be in Congress by now. He hauled in almost $400k in member item money last year.
Also: the state Senate hasn't published its list of member items.
Condensed Totals by Assembly member
Detailed Totals by Assembly member
About this data: NYPIRG was a huge help. They pulled the Capital Region specific data and sent it to us in spreadsheet format. We couldn't have done this without out them. Thank you.
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Not only did Reilly change his vote on same-sex marriage from No to Yes but he also brought in $5,000 for In Our Own Voices. That's the kind of change I like to see.
... said Emma on May 18, 2009 at 4:48 PM | link
Thank god for "legislative initiatives," otherwise most of these jokers wouldn't have any reason to show up for work.
... said Jackers on May 18, 2009 at 5:07 PM | link
I have never seen anything close to a detailed report about where government money goes. Not in a newspaper, not on the news, not in any media anywhere.
Granted I have never really tried very hard, but my point is this, AOA does more in depth, more interesting reporting than any other local media outlet. I am so tired about the whining media does about the death of newspapers. Let them go out of business for all I care, its obvious that better information is available outside of old media sources.
... said Alex on May 18, 2009 at 6:53 PM | link
Alex, as much as I appreciate AOA for publishing this, the credit for "in depth reporting" really should go to NYPIRG.
... said Blehber on May 19, 2009 at 9:23 AM | link
This is awesome! I'm so glad I get to see what my representative is really doing for my community. It's even better that he gave money to causes that matter to me like arts education!
... said Katherine on May 19, 2009 at 11:37 AM | link
Just looked through Canestrari since he's my rep:
$15,000 to make online sales available on a website? What are you trying to pull, Cohoes Music Hall? SLOC already does that, and I'm sure they didn't spend that much or get a grant for it.
Also, for the Watervliet Ansenal, $158,000 dollars for this: FUNDS WILL BE USED TO ASSIST IN DEVELOPMENT OF A MARKETING STRATEGY TO ATTRACT PRIVATE INVESTMENT TO THE FACILITY. Um, this is a federally run facility, looking for private investment. Why are they getting State dollars to do this??? That is the largest monetary item on his list by 3x.
... said Jessica R on May 19, 2009 at 5:23 PM | link
90% of this looks like complete waste. $5,000 from McEneny for books about African-Caribbean history? $5,000 to teach "at-risk" young people to play tennis? $5,000 to provide "professional advice to non-profti organizations regarding management and executive services."???? $5,000 to M.A.D.D. to prevent underage drinking and drink driving, HA, good luck.
All of this stuff is aimed at curing problems that will never be cured by government. It's going to take something on the level of a cultural revival to address the underlying causes of these problems.
... said Luke on May 25, 2009 at 8:39 PM | link
You know, I have no idea if they are at-risk kids or anything, but every summer I see a great tennis program going on in Lincoln park. Dozens of kids of all ages participate. If this program prevented even one of those children from falling through the cracks, that's worth way more than $5,000. I think the fraction of a penny it takes from each of us to fund programs like that are worth it considering the added security they provide to our communities and the return on investment when people who would otherwise wind up in prison (or worse) turn into being productive members of society, making their own contributions.
But what do I know, I just live here, maybe I should be trying to spark some nonspecific cultural revival.
... said B on May 26, 2009 at 11:09 AM | link
@B Well said. (...or written, as it is)
... said Emma on May 26, 2009 at 11:50 AM | link