Flickring through the Capital Region

It's spring.
The photo above, of cherry blossom petals in Center Square, is by the ever stylish Kim Dunham.
Here are a few other recent local pictures that caught our eye on Flickr...
Paul took this shot of the Corning Tower from the ground -- even though it doesn't look like that.
Paul also created an "Empire State Planet."
Timothy Goodwin recently posted a bunch of interesting shots involving contrasts between light and dark, including the ESP concourse, cars driving on Lark Street, and a lone doorway.
Flickr user chimpmitten has a big photoset from last weekend's Albany All Stars bout -- there are a lot of good action shots in there.
Kim Stock got a good pic of the "dinosaur" that threatening to eat little kids near the Capitol.
Flickr user ajwphoto56 got a picture of Angelina Jolie on the set of Salt.
Flickr user deadsoggybunny captured downtown Albany from a perspective you don't see everyday -- from a kayak.
And this picture of Tulip Fest by Jessica feels kind of retro to us -- maybe it's the black and white or the girl's skirt.
photo: Kimberly Dunham
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thanks guys! if only those cherry blossoms could've lasted for more than one week...
... said Kim D. on May 20, 2009 at 5:27 PM | link
Love the flowers, not feeling the shoes.
... said Kristi on May 20, 2009 at 8:42 PM | link
hm, not sure you've been to any major city recently, but those shoes are the shit this summer. just hop on a subway and they're staring you in the face. i picked mine up when i was in ny 2 weeks ago. but now that you mention it, i guess i can think of quite a few city styles that dont make a strong appearance around here.
you probably wouldnt be too into these either, which i just received in the mail. maybe you prefer these?
... said Kim D. on May 20, 2009 at 9:19 PM | link
You are right Kristi, not silver enough :)
... said -S on May 20, 2009 at 9:45 PM | link
Thanks for the link! :)
... said Paul on May 20, 2009 at 9:56 PM | link
Wow, I took the Autumn equivalent of Kim's picture last November!
... said Summer on May 20, 2009 at 11:53 PM | link
That Empire State Planet photo is really cool!
... said Amy on May 21, 2009 at 8:53 AM | link
Kim, calllllm. "Not feeling" them does not mean they aren't fashion-forward. I don't care for gladiator sandals, either, and they're everywhere this season.
... said Kristi on May 21, 2009 at 9:59 AM | link
like the shoes..I'm just sad she didn't complement them with a pedi!
(meow! )
@kristi: agreed..HATING the gladiator sandals...bring the lions into the coliseum already!
... said rebecca on May 21, 2009 at 10:35 AM | link
See what you did, you had to walke the sleeping dragon by disparaging Kim's shoes. The One Rule is you never, ever start on Kim's shoes.
But I have to agree with -S, they're no silver flats.
... said B on May 21, 2009 at 11:31 AM | link
@B: I think Kristi rocked those silver flats at Wolff's. It's her silver tiara I wasn't really sure about...
... said -S on May 21, 2009 at 11:46 AM | link
So...has the foot stalker returned yet??
... said Bob F. on May 21, 2009 at 12:14 PM | link
yes, i also have silver flats, which i love. they're pretty essential. they're the one purchase i made as a bridesmaid that wasn't a total loss.
... said Kim D. on May 21, 2009 at 4:28 PM | link
M&G - I like this post. TIme to make new flickr friends :)
... said Joe Esposito on May 21, 2009 at 9:41 PM | link
Kim D.- I'm just not buying the "all the cool city kids are wearing them, so I should too" argument. There have been some dreadful trends over the years that pop up all over the subways. Remember those god-awful gaucho pants from a few years ago?
Not to say the shoes are bad (they're a little hipsterish for my taste), but the argument is kinda lacking.
The photo rocks, though.
... said kerosena on May 22, 2009 at 9:33 AM | link
@kerosena: Wait a second... Are you implying something about Crocs too? Don't break my bubble :)
... said -S on May 22, 2009 at 10:10 AM | link
Kim, don't pay attention to these people. I still wear my Gloverall (well, not in this weather) no matter what Kristi or anyone else says about it. And I get compliments on it every time. Yes, "why are you wearing that" is a compliment, -S.
... said B on May 22, 2009 at 11:20 AM | link
My fashion sense is so bad that Kristi once featured me on her blog for my poor taste in socks. So I will refrain from commenting on the shoes, but I can say that your photo rocks!
... said celinabean on May 22, 2009 at 1:38 PM | link
@B: I went to the Gloverall website and checked them out. I want one for next winter!
... said Summer on May 22, 2009 at 1:44 PM | link
Summer, they're better as a spring/fall coat, even. Since they're actually felt (the noun, not the verb) I wouldn't expose mine to too much snow without some pre-treatment. But it is a great coat! Now if I can only find my monocle and pocket square, I'll have everything I need for a night on the town, as the locals say.
... said B on May 22, 2009 at 2:10 PM | link
Celina. Wait. You modeled for my post (right before we had some not-so-good sushi), so it wasn't like we had an ambush make-over or Glamour-style black bar going on!
... said Kristi on May 23, 2009 at 8:46 AM | link