Game on in state Senate, documents indicate district officials may have known about Raucci, police say man used child as shield, popular Phish camp closed

The state Senate is back in session today, though it seems no one really knows what's going to happen. The session could take up NYC-related legislation -- or it could focus on reforming pork distribution. One possible complication: Democrats will only have a 31-30 majority because one of their members is on his honeymoon. [AP/Troy Record] [TU] [NYP]

David Paterson apparently wasn't a fan of the Democratic leadership signing Happy Birthday at their post-game press conference last week. Maybe he's just annoyed that he had to take time out from fund raising because of the Senate mess. [Daily Politics] [NYT]

Longtime Capital Region car dealer Ken Gowey says he's running for governor. His platform includes big tax cuts and belief that "man-made global warming" is a "boondoggle." [TU]

Documents filed as part of a lawsuit against the Schenectady School District indicate that district officials may have known about Steven Raucci's alleged acts of harassment as early as 2005. The documents include handwritten notes from the district's HR director that originally appeared as part of a workers compensation claim against the district. That claim alleged that an employee who worked under Raucci suffered emotional harm because of harassment. [TU] [Daily Gazette]

A state Supreme Court judge has struck down Albany County's sex offender residency law because it's superceded by state law. A similar law in Rensselaer County was tossed recently for the same reason. [TU]

The Albany County clerk's office is cutting back hours this summer to save money. [TU]

Kay Vandenburgh was appointed to the Rensselaer County legislature yesterday -- and her husband paid more than $40k in back taxes. The news of the back taxes had set off a round of sniping and mudslinging between county Republicans and Democrats. [Troy Record] [WNYT]

Troy hired five new police recruits yesterday -- and two more could be on the way. [Troy Record]

Albany police say a man briefly used a two year old as a shield as cops chased him through apartments on Clinton Ave Monday evening. [TU] [Troy Record]

Troy has changed its rules for when it boots cars -- the threshold is now three outstanding tickets OR $100 in outstanding fines. [Troy Record]

The Track has had no trouble finding seasonal workers this year. [TU]

The GE Global Research Center showed off smart grid technology -- including energy price-aware appliances -- yesterday in Niskayuna. Noted: such smart metering is currently illegal in New York State. [Daily Gazette] [Fox23] [TU]

Infamous Saratoga Springs businessman David Silipigno is challenging the city's assessment on his mansion for the second-straight year. Silipigno is arguing is house is worth $6.5 million less than the city's assessment. [Saratogian]

The owner of the Lee's Park campground in Saratoga says the land won't be open for Phish concert campers because of problems with the state Department of Health. [Saratogian]


I had to do some deep medatative breathing after reading the story about the guy using the 2 year old as a sheild. What a coward. I'm just so thankful the kid wasn't injured.

Babies add, at most, +1 to your Armor Class, but restrict your ability to use two-handed weapons.

Unless it's some sort of Krytonian Baby.
Then it's +5 (or only +3 if Lex Luther has his kryptonite ring on.)

But babies are also at least a -1 on your mobility and agility. Much worse if they a Kryptonian.

@Sandor: it's probably very, very wrong to have laughed at that, but I did.

Wait Sandor, what are you playing? D&D? Or did you convert GURPS for the DC universe?

@Summer - I laughed too, it's ok. some things are just funny!

I think Ken Gowey is right, the grassroots will respond to his message.... It just might not be the way he wants... What a guy!!! :)

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