Raucci report won't be released, cool summer may be setting up cold winter, Tedisco hints at run for different office, alleged cold cut heist leads to pepper spraying

The Schenectady school district's internal investigation into Steven Raucci -- the former district employee who's been accused arson and intimidation -- will not be made public. The district says its lawyer "strongly advised" it to not release the report. [Daily Gazette] [TU]

The package of state incentives for the Luther Forest chip fab project is actually closer to $1.37 billion -- and could be more if GlobalFoundries expands at the site. [TU]

A guy who was forcibly sedated at the direction of Albany County law enforcement so they could search his body for drugs in 2006 has settled his lawsuit for $125k. The search included a camera being put up his rectum. [TU] [AP/CBS6]

There's some historical data that indicates we could be in for a cold, snowy winter. [TU]

The Capital Region's tick population -- and the incidence of Lyme disease -- appear to be on the rise. [Daily Gazette]

Scott Murphy is proposing legislation aimed at helping dairy farmers. And Kirsten Gillibrand is proposing legislation that would help fruit growers. [Saratogian] [Saratogian]

Jim Tedisco is hinting that he might be running for a different office at the end of this term in the Assembly. [Saratogian]

Chatter around the state capitol: Joe Bruno secured a re-nomination to SUNY Board of Trustees for his ladyfriend by publicly supporting the same-sex marriage bill. [TU]

Ken Goewey's gubernatorial platform includes halving the size of state government and taxes -- and large doses of vitamins. [Daily Gazette]

Ten shots were fired -- and one guy hit -- during a shootout in Schenectady on Saturday. [TU]

The Schenectady Police Department has a backlog of 21 unsolved homicides. [TU]

Albany police say two people tried to steal $30 worth of cold cuts from the Westgate Price Chopper -- and when confronted, the duo allegedly punched and pepper sprayed a trio security guards. [TU] [Troy Record]

Albany police say man used a rock to mug a woman on Spring Street early Sunday morning. [CBS6]

Schenectady's considering a law that would make it easier for police to check whether items at pawn shops are stolen property. Albany already has a similar law. [TU]

As jobs have become harder to find, people are staying longer at Capital Region homeless shelters. [Daily Gazette]

The number of available rentals is up this summer in Saratoga -- and renters are looking for bargains. [Daily Gazette]

Proctors recently won a national award for historic theaters. [Daily Gazette]

Dick Wood is not dead yet. [TU]


"Goewey, who likes to have his picture taken in an 18th century-style three-cornered hat like those worn by the patriots, said he attended the first “Tea Party” rally held in Albany"

Oh, he's one of those.

Does anyone know where on Spring street the woman was mugged?

Ken Goewy! What an insane guy!

In answer to my earlier question: 31 Spring Street.

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