New Yorkers: let's start over

Where's the reboot button on this thing?
In the Siena poll release today, 54 percent of respondents said they wish they could throw out all the state legislators and start over. In fact, it sounds like New Yorker are longing for the good old days (which are apparently about the same time as Sterling Cooper's heyday).
From the poll....
As things stand now, if the election for State Senate were held today would youÂ
vote to reâ€elect your incumbent Senator or would you prefer someone else?
Re-elect incumbent: 37% | Prefer someone else: 43% | Don't know: 20%
(Hmm. Let's check back on those numbers after next year's elections.)
Do you support or oppose having a New York State Constitutional Convention in which delegates propose changes to the State Constitution for voters to approve or reject?
Support: 63% | Oppose: 25% | Don't know: 11%
Do you think New York politicians today are more intelligent orÂ
less intelligent or have about the same level of intelligence as New York?
More: 23% | Less: 30% | Same: 37% | Don't know: 10%
Do you think New York politicians today have more integrity orÂ
less integrity or have about the same level of integrity as New York politicians 40 or 50 years ago?
More: 7% | Less: 54% | Same: 28% | Don't know: 11%
Do you think New York politicians today are more fair, that is, not biased orÂ
self-interested, or less fair or have about the same level of fairness 50 years ago?Â
More: 11% | Less: 44% | Same: 32% | Don't know: 12%
Do you think New York politicians today work harder for their constituents, work less hard for their constituents or work about the same as New York politicians 40 or 50 years ago?
More: 11% | Less: 54% | Same: 23% | Don't know: 12%
This last result shouldn't be surprising -- it's widely known that the forebears of current legislators had to walk to the Capitol uphill, both ways, in the snow.
A few other bits from thie poll:
+ David Paterson continues to be unpopular (32 favorable / 55 unfavorable)
+ Andrew Cuomo continues to lead the hypothetical field for governor by large margin.
+ Paterson would loses to almost everyone in hypothetical match-ups -- except, maybe, Rick Lazio.
+ About electing Kirsten Gillibrand next year:
Elect: 24% | Someone else: 35% | Don't know: 41%
+ In a hypothetical KG vs. George Pataki Senate showdown, Pataki has a 42-39 edge.
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If Don Draper was running for office, all he'd have to do is look at me and I'd vote for him.
... said Alice Person on Aug 24, 2009 at 2:29 PM | link
Let's hope this malaise carries through to November 2010. Watch out, McBreslin.
... said Rob on Aug 24, 2009 at 4:49 PM | link
I REALLY hope that this holds true until 2010. Unfortunately, I don't think it will.
My prediction 2010:
Pedro who? There was a coup? What are you talking about?
Oh yeah, I remember... it was a bunch of crooked Dems behind it all, right?
... said Erik on Aug 24, 2009 at 7:37 PM | link
Rob: I think that Senator Breslin is one of the few people in the State Capitol that I actually trust, having worked in state government relations. You don't have to take my word for it, but I just figured I would throw it out there.
Also, what is probably most troubling about all of this: the incumbency rate will surely not dip below 90% next year, I doubt it will go below 95%.
... said Dan in Pine Hills on Aug 24, 2009 at 10:34 PM | link
Dan, I agree -- Sen. Breslin is a decent man and one of the better legislators. But isn't that part of the problem -- that we all like and keep reelecting our own representatives, while condemning the institution as a whole?
... said Rob on Aug 25, 2009 at 7:00 AM | link