Dan Nester's thighs are decompressing

nester skinny jeansSt. Rose English professor Dan Nester has a piece today at L Magazine on his week-long experiment in wearing skinny jeans:

In the 1992 comedy classic Wayne's World, Rob Lowe's character, Benjamin Kane, asks Dana Carvey's Garth Algar how he likes new set for their show. "It's like a new pair of underwear," Garth says to blank stares. "At first it's constrictive, but after a while it becomes a part of you."
You could say my skinny jeans have started to become a part of me. Not! They have loosened up, around my muffin-top waist. My ass has grown accustomed to being presented out in public. But then there's the pain.
Perhaps it's psychosomatic, but I have begun to feel a slight tingle in my inner thigh. This, I fear, could be an early symptom of Tingling Thigh Syndrome, which is not a joke, but rather a real ailment that doctors have reported can potentially be caused by the wearing of skinny jeans, the extreme pressure of which can constrict the femoral nerves that run from groin to outer thigh to knee, leading to a condition known as meralgia paresthetica, Latin for "tragically hip with your balls in a vice."

Dan has a book coming out soon. How to Be Inappriopriate hits shelves (and UPS trucks) November 1.

Earlier on AOA: Dan Nester's Watchful Analysis of New Growth

photo: Rob O'Neill / Dan Nester


Not to be contrary, but skinny jeans are over.

40 something academics in skinny jeans should have never happened in the first place.

I am looking forward to a time when middle aged men, like myself, dress like middle aged men and not middle schoolers.

First off, he needs to hit up the rack for womens stretch jeans to attain the combination of "legdom" and "freedom" of movement that only bands like early Metallica achieved (Danny boy, they've been rockin' the experiment since '83, albeit about 100 lbs lighter than you!)

...and muffin top? Looks more like a cake bottom! Sweet!

(Disclaimer: our kids play together)

Remember folks! Skinny jeans, just like leggings are a privilege, not a right!

I think the "experiment" is funny and that skinny jeans are still cool. I had my doubts at first, but mine are currently my favorite pair jeans. If your thighs can handle it, keep rocking 'em Prof. Nester!

thanks for taking one for the team professor. i cant rock the skinny jeans, i think i actually have tight clothing and socks phobia, but i think your work here deserves praise, i'll be looking forward to your book

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