Dodgeball at the Washington Ave Armory

Remember: If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.
Albany Dodgeball lines up for a new season Thursday night at the Washington Ave Armory. The weekly game, which is organized by the Albany Society for the Advance of Philanthropy, is open to everyone.
From ASAP's Jasen VonGuinness:
I try to make it accessible and less scary for everyone, so we dont pick teams. We line everyone up and then count off to 4 (or 5, sometimes 6 if we have a great nite). The 1's play the 2's and so on. We switch off teams often and keep it fun.
We've got a stereo we bring to rock out with and a bartender provided by the Armory that serves beers/wine all night. Spectators are encouraged and that's free.
We've had over 200 different folks play and next summer I'm putting together a pro team to head to Las Vegas for the National Dodgeball Championships (please hold the laughter).
The games begin at 8:30 pm. It's $10 to play -- Jasen says that covers the rent at the armory and supplies. Whatever's left over goes to ASAP's scholarship fund.
One more thing: ASAP's annual Meatfest is coming up October 3 at the Albany Elks Lodge. It's "all you can eat meat" for $20, which this year includes steamers, pulled pork, bacon-wrapped hotdogs, grilled sirloin, deep-fried Oreos, deep-fried Twinkies, and, uh, meaty surprises.
photo: Sebastien B
Find It
Washington Ave Armory
195 Washington Ave
Albany, NY 12210
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Annual meatfest?!! do I have to get tickets? or just show up with money? why oh why did I never know this existed!!
... said Emily on Sep 23, 2009 at 6:34 PM | link
We (ASAP) don't have advance tickets for the Meatfest, so come by. The event is great for families, too! And yes, there will be a cash bar provided by the Elks.
Joe Esposito
... said Joe Esposito on Sep 23, 2009 at 9:22 PM | link
Dear Steamers,
I am coming for you.
Albany Jane
P.S. - I'm looking forward to you too, Meaty Surprises.
... said Albany Jane on Sep 24, 2009 at 8:09 AM | link
Albany Jane,
If I wasn't going to be in Cleveland that day, I'd expose your steamer-eating process for the chicanery that it is.
You got nothing when it comes to the bivalves.
Your mussels are weak, your scallops are processed in brine, and your oysters ain't got no pearls.
In short, you are a shellfish sham.
... said Sandor on Sep 24, 2009 at 10:19 AM | link
I went to a Sausagefest once and got the meat sweats. Perhaps I should try this dodging of balls.
... said daleyplanit on Sep 24, 2009 at 11:49 AM | link
I was skeptical of how fun dodgeball could be as an adult. I mean its dodgeball, ya know.
But after we got under way it turned out to be one of the awesomer (yeah, I just typed that) things I've been a part of. Its not so much the sport, the venue or the beers. It mostly has to do with all the great folks I met there, and that keep showing up every Thursday.
So while I'm relaxing, I'd like to encourage people to come out and grab some of the awesome that is Albany Dodgeball.
... said JVG on Sep 24, 2009 at 3:02 PM | link
When is the next dodgeball event?
... said Duffy on Oct 2, 2009 at 12:02 PM | link
Oct 8th, 8:30 to 10:30 at the Washington Armory, we'll be playing that slot every Thursday until we break for holiday.
Click my name above, it'll bring you to the website.....then I can get your email and keep you in the loop.
We've got a super rad new Bansky inspired logo t coming out in a few weeks also.
... said JVG on Oct 2, 2009 at 12:42 PM | link
is this still going on and can we just show up with 10 dollars at the door?
... said brandan on Mar 13, 2011 at 10:04 PM | link
Local Albany Bar/Restaurant looking to sponsor a Dodge Ball team and/or Roller Derby Team... you must have experience organizing these types of events and help promote our space... please write me back if you are interested in "spear-heading" this type of event(s) ASAP and what would be involved on our end and what costs would be involved. Please and thank you.
First group with the right idea, wherewithal to do this and a "proposal" gets our support (money)
... said michael on May 11, 2011 at 5:25 PM | link