I Love Books in Delmar

So, it's... books?
When a shop has a name like "I Love Books" it's not hard to guess what's inside. Books... bookstore... got it.
But what if it was called something like "I Love Books, funky gifts, and toys I haven't seen since I was a kid?"
Well then, you might just want to take a closer look.
I Love Books, located at the Four Corners in Delmar, is a bookstore with a twist. Owner Melissa Steen, who has been at this location for 18 years, has a penchant for nostalgia and the eclectic. Besides being filled with books, the aisles of the converted shop are pleasantly stuffed with odd toys, pretty stationery, jewelry, and hard to find gifts with a retro flair.
The store is separated into two halves with the "grown up"" section up front. But what is really impressive about this place is the children's section located in the back of the store. The selection consists of award-winning and hard-to-find picture books, series books, and popular favorites mixed in with every kind of educational game, toy, or gadget you can think of. And it's not the run-of-the-mill variety. There are lots of quality and educational brands like Alex, Klutz, Oppenheim Award winners, Schylling, along with weird stuff you will remember from your childhood.
A few things that caught my eye:
- Shrinky Dinks - I haven't seen these things since I was double velcro-ing my Reebok high tops.
- Action Figures galore - And not the GI Joe Variety. Think Bigfoot Action Figures, Librarian Action Figure, Beethoven Action Figure.
- Astronaut Ice Cream - Not just for Science Museum gift shops anymore.
- The Fashion Plates game - Does anyone else remember this? I spent hours in my room as a kid pretending I was a fashion designer (and this was way before Project Runway).
There are also sections for science, magic, infants, arts and crafts -- even bathtime -- and at the very back you can find a few shelves of toys etc. marked 50 percent off.
According to the salesperson I spoke with, the store is "birthday central" on Saturday mornings with parents and kids doing last minute shopping for parties later on in the day. (Bonus: they have free gift wrapping.)
The shop is really conducive to browsing. It's the kind of place that you can find a gift for the person who has everything, or even for the person you don't know well at all. I mean, who wouldn't get a kick out of receiving a yodeling pickle or a collection of fake mustaches?
OK, don't answer that... but you get the picture.
I must admit I have driven by this place a bunch of times before stopping in. It's nothing flashy on the outside, but don't let that deter you. It's worth a visit.
You know what they say: you can't judge a bookstore by its cover.
Dawn is the author of Small-bany, a great blog about stuff to do for kids and parents.
Find It
I Love Books
380 Delaware Ave
Delmar, NY 12054
Monday 10-5
Tues-Fri 10-8
Sat 10-5
Closed Sunday
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Oh fashion plates, I remember those, I also had the one that was faces that you could change the hair style and facial features and then you got to do their makeup.
... said C on Sep 25, 2009 at 1:46 PM | link
Quite right! I *love* this store! I find the best gifts for people every time I'm in there, and very rarely in the kids section.
... said kimelodic on Sep 25, 2009 at 3:58 PM | link
I'm now forever stuck with the image of pickles with mustaches. Hmm. Store sounds wonderful, though.
... said meierrain on Sep 25, 2009 at 5:22 PM | link
"You can't judge a bookstore by its cover." Oh my! And you didn't think my penguin joke was funny.
... said Grandpa Randy on Sep 26, 2009 at 11:05 PM | link
I try to keep my dollars within the City of Albany, but must admit that this store makes me break my own rule. I love the stock of the store, its laid-back feel, the helpful staff - even when I don't buy anything, even the creaky sound of the old wooden floor. Great locally-owned business.
... said Susan on Jun 15, 2012 at 1:59 PM | link
I love That store!! It has all my favorite books! (The twilight saga, Junie B jones, ETC)
... said Maggie on Jun 30, 2013 at 12:24 PM | link