Paterson order state agencies to cut back, proposed Saratoga budget includes paid parking, natural gas prices down, teachers say they were secretly videotaped

David Paterson has ordered state agencies to cut their non-personnel expenses (travel, equipment, office supplies) by about 11 percent -- a move that his administration says will save the state $500 million. Paterson has been projecting that the state will face a $3 billion budget gap this year. He's been criticized for not setting an overarching lists of cuts -- but the governor says he's letting the legislature "participate in formulating that menu." [NYS DoB] [NYT] [AP/Troy Record] [TU]

The witness lists for both the prosecution and defense in the Joe Bruno trial include more than 100 names (with a lot of overlap). The lists include current state senators, current and former state officials, legislative staffers and two journalists. [Troy Record] [TU] [NYT]

The budget proposed by Saratoga Springs' finance commissioner includes a 7.8 percent tax increase, 50 job cuts and a plan for paid parking on city streets and lots. [Saratoga Springs] [Fox23] [TU] [Saratogian]

The first batch of H1N1 vaccine arrived in the Capital Region yesterday. Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady counties have all received limited quantities (in the hundreds of doses). Albany Med received 1000 doses. The focus on flu this year has apparently prompted a lot of interest in flu shots -- and local doctors' offices report that they they're having trouble getting shipments of the regular seasonal flu vaccine. [Daily Gazette $] [Fox23] [Saratogian] [Schenectady County] [CapNews9] [WTEN] [WNYT]

Schenectady police say an 11-year-old boy reported an attempted abduction yesterday. That's the fourth recent reported abduction in the Capital Region -- two in Schenectady and two in Albany. [Fox23] [TU]

Jurors in the trial of Adrian Thomas, the Troy father accused of causing the death of his infant son, watched hours of video of his interrogation yesterday. The prosecution says video scheduled to shown today will depict Thomas confessing to causing his son harm. Thomas' defense has argued the infant died of unrelated condition. This case marks the first time a Capital Region police department has recorded an alleged confession on video. [CapNews9][Troy Record] [Fox23] [TU]

National Grid says consumer natural gas prices will be down about 13 percent this year. That would work out to a savings of $136 this winter for the average customer. [TU] [Troy Record]

Two teachers at an Albany charter school say they were being secretly videotaped in their classrooms. The executive director of the Brighter Choice foundation, which backs the school, says the teachers were told about the video recording in August. [TU] [Fox23]

A Troy mother says her son was left on a school bus at a facility in Menands after he fell asleep on the ride home. [WNYT]

Albany police say they have not found any indication foul play was involved with the death of the man who fell from the ESP wall near the Egg. [WTEN]

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Recent Comments

My three year old son absolutely loving riding the train around Huck Finn's (Hoffman's) Playland this summer.

Thank you!

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