My Exit: Andy Hapeman

Lettuce.jpgEvery Monday night our friends at WEXT do this thing called My Exit -- local listeners get to come into the station and program an hour of music. So we thought it'd be fun to find out a little bit about these people and why they picked the songs on their play list.

Here's tonight's person:

I'm Andy Hapeman from Loudonville. Ever since my mother gave me a turntable when I was four I've been a music fanatic.

How would you describe your musical taste?
When Elvis died and The Sex Pistols started up, that was a defining year for me. My musical taste really runs the gamut, though. I find myself listening to a lot more contemporary jazz these days. By that I don't mean weather channel music. I mean risk taking bands like The Bad Plus or Stanton Moore.

Three songs from my show:
Satan is My Motor - Cake - This is really just a -- well I don't know if I'd call it a positive song -- but you can tap your foot to it. And cake is just a happy, fun band.

Superfred -- Lettuce - This is a great example of contemporary jazz. It's almost like old school funk. The song is actually an old James Brown tune. Back when James Brown did it a guy named Fred Wesley was the horn player. He plays on this version too. Lettuce is a bunch of Berkly grads that all liked old school funk.

What's so Funny About Peace Love and Understanding
-- Elvis Costello -- Well, this one's pretty much self explanatory.

You can hear Andy's My Exit show tonight at 8 at 97.7 or at

Here's how to schedule your own My Exit show on WEXT.

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